- Question
How to create a Sky iD
- Answer
To create a Sky iD, you will need to enter:
- Your full name
- Your email address
Sign up for Sky iD
If you're a Sky customer, we'll ask for the following details to link your Sky iD with your Sky household account, either:
- Your viewing card number (this can be found using your Sky Remote. Select Services on your remote, then System Set-up, then System Details and viewing card number will be listed)
- Your Sky account number (this will be on any letters we have sent to you or on interactive services)
- The last six digits of the bank account number you use to pay your monthly Sky bill or
- The last six digits of the debit/credit card you use to pay your monthly Sky bill.
Create a Sky iD
If you don’t already have one, it's easy to create a Sky iD, and only takes a few minutes.
Sign up for Sky iD
When you sign up for Sky iD, you'll need to complete the following information:
- About you: your full name and email address
- Your sign in details : your username and password
- Verification and acceptance of terms and conditions
Please remember that you might already have a Sky iD. If you are a Sky Broadband customer you'll automatically have a Sky iD, your username and password would have been posted to you and will be the first part of your Sky Email address (e.g. username@sky.com).
If you're not a Sky customer you can still create a Sky iD, but won’t be able to enjoy the full benefits of Sky online.Learn more about becoming a Sky customer.
- View Answer at http://www.sky.com/helpcentre/account-and-billing/sky-id/how-to-register/index.html
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