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    Recording radio channels

    • Answer
    • It's easy to record radio channels with Sky:


      Recording radio channels with Sky+HD

      1. Use the up/down arrows to browse through the channels shown in the Now, Next & Later banner. Radio channels appear with a speaker symbol next to them.
      2. Highlight the radio channel you want to record and press the Record button.
      3. The Manual Recording screen will appear.
      4. If you need to, change the Channel Number/Name with the left/right arrows or by keying in the number.
      5. Use the up/down arrows to highlightDay and use the left/right arrows to choose the day of the recording.
      6. Use the up/down arrows to highlightStart Time and key in the start time of the recording with the number buttons on your remote control. Use the left/right arrows to choose AM or PM.
      7. Press the down arrow to highlight End Time and key in an end time as described above.
      8. Press the down arrow to highlight Frequency and use the left/right arrows to choose how often you want to record the channel.
      9. Press the yellow button to confirm the recording and add it to your planner.

    • View Answer at http://www.sky.com/helpcentre/tv/sky-plus-hd/recording/recording-with-sky-plus-hd/recording-radio-channels/
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