- Question
What does the engineer do when he comes to the new house?
- Answer
When the engineer arrives they will have a discussion with you or your chosen representative to determine the best location for your satellite dish and the routing of all cables from your Sky box.
Some cabling will be run externally and, on all installs, holes will be drilled for cable access to your satellite dish. Also any internal cables must be tacked to the skirting board. Our ability to complete the installation is subject to Sky's Health and Safety Regulations.
After setting up your equipment, our engineer will ensure you are receiving your TV picture and sound and demonstrate how any new TV equipment works.
You can also arrange for us to install your broadband router at a later date after your broadband is active, but it’s really easy to do this yourself.
- View Answer at http://www.sky.com/helpcentre/moving-home/faq/
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