Home / Product Selection / SetTop / Software Upgrade / I have loaded the software version 6.20 but I have an issue with the audio. What should I do ?
- Question
I have loaded the software version 6.20 but I have an issue with the audio. What should I do ?
- Answer
We confirm that there is an issue with the audio : On HD services, there is a stuttering of audio on all outputs.
We have removed the file from the website and we are working on a new one.
As soon as the new software version will be available, we will inform you on this page.
We advice you not to go back to the previous software version as you will loose all your recordings in this case.
- View Answer at http://www.p4c.philips.com/cgi-bin/dcbint/cpindex.pl?scy=GB&mid=Link_FAQs&view=aa12_view_partial.html&session=20111213090954_2.100.96.157&list=aa12_list_partial.html&slg=ENG&ctn=HDT8520/05&dct=FAQ&refnr=0084388&faqview=1
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