- Question
An introduction to setting up email
- Answer
When you registered for either broadband or a dial-up Internet account from BT, or signed up for BT Yahoo! Premium Mail, you'll have reserved a primary email address during the registration process. For example: joe.bloggs@btinternet.com.
This primary email address is also your primary username and is used for signing in to your broadband or dial-up service and also for signing in to the BT Yahoo! site in order to read web mail.
Your email account will be activated by midnight on the day of your broadband activation. After activation, you can simply use the link below and login with the email address and password you set up during registration.
Please note: You will need your username and password to set up your email client or to use webmail. If you've forgotten these, use the link below:
I've forgotten my BT Yahoo! username or password
Alternatively, you can use an email program such as Outlook Express or Outlook (these are two different programs) or another email client such as MacMail, Mozilla Thunderbird or Windows Mail which allow you to download your emails to your computer. Click the button below for step-by-step instructions for different programs. For some email programs, like Microsoft Outlook and Windows Live, we'll even show you how to run an automatic set-up.
If your email program isn't listed in the guide, please use the link below to get the incoming and outgoing server information you'll need.
What are the BT Yahoo! Mail settings for outgoing and incoming mail servers?
Further information
Video: Learn how to create additional email accounts (sub accounts)
Video: How to set up an email client automatically
Video: Accessing email using Outlook
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