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How do I connect my Nintendo Wii to my home network?
To connect a Nintendo Wii to your home network you need to have a working broadband connection and a router.
If you have not set up a broadband connection before attempting these steps, or if you are having problems with your broadband connection apart from connecting your Wii, please resolve these issues first.
To connect your Wii to your home network, refer to the relevant section below depending on whether you want to connect via a wired or wireless connection.
Connect your Wii via a wireless connection
Before you can connect your Wii to your wireless network you need to have a wireless router and you need to know your wireless network name and wireless password.
If you don't know what your wireless network name and wireless password is, see What is my wireless network name and wireless password? and follow the instructions for your router.
If you know your wireless network name and wireless password, you can connect your Wii to your network by carrying out the steps below:
- Turn on your Wii, wireless router and your television.
- Select the round Wii button in the bottom-left of the screen.
- Select Wii Settings.
- Select the right arrow to view more options.
- Select Internet.
- Select Connection Settings.
- Select Connection 1, or any of the available connection slots.
- Select Wireless Connection.
- Select Search for an Access Point.
- Wait for the search to complete and click OK when prompted.
- Select your network.
- Select the textbox, enter the wireless network password and select OK.
- Select OK again.
- To save the settings, select OK.
- To test the connection, select OK.
Connect your Wii via a wired connection
If you want to connect your Wii to your home network via a wired connection you need to buy a Wii LAN (Local Area Network) adapter. If you have a Wii LAN adapter and you want to connect your Wii to your home network via a wired connection, follow the steps below:
- Turn off your Wii and your router.
- Connect the Wii LAN adapter's USB cable to a USB port on the Wii.
- Connect the other end of the adapter to your router via an ethernet cable.
- Turn on your Wii and router.
- On your Wii, select the Wii button in the bottom-left corner of your TV screen.
- Then, select Wii Settings.
- Select the right arrow to move to the 2nd page of settings and select Internet.
- Select Connection Settings.
- Select a free connection.
- Select Wired Connection.
- Select OK to test the connection.
The connection test failed
The test should complete successfully. If not, you should consult your Wii manual, go to theNintendo Wii support site or contact Nintendo for further assistance.
- View More: TalkTalk How do I connect my Nintendo Wii to my home network?
- View Answer at http://help.talktalk.co.uk/app/answers/detail/a_id/1927
How do I connect my Nintendo DSi to my home network?
Note: These steps are for the Nintendo DSi only. The Nintendo DS uses WEP encryption, which is an older wireless security method that we don't support. For help on a Nintendo DS, go to the Nintendo DS support page.
To connect a Nintendo DSi to your home network you need to have a working broadband connection, a wireless router and you need to know your wireless network name and wireless password.
If you have not set up a broadband connection before attempting these steps, or if you are having problems with your broadband connection apart from connecting your Nintendo DSi, please resolve these issues first.
If you don't know what your wireless network name and wireless password is, see What is my wireless network name and wireless password? and follow the instructions for your router.
If you know your wireless network name and wireless password, you can connect your Nintendo DSi to your network by carrying out the following steps:
- Turn on your Nintendo DSi.
- Access your system settings by clicking the wrench icon.
- Scroll over to the third page and select Internet.
- Select Connection Settings.
- Select None next to Connection 1 or one of the other connection slots.
- Click Search for an Access Point.
- Select your network.
- Click Change Security Settings.
- Enter your wireless password and click OK.
All you need from TalkTalk to connect your Nintendo DSi to your wireless network is your wireless network name and wireless password. If you have completed the steps above, and you still cannot connect, you can go to the Nintendo DS support page for further help.
- View More: TalkTalk How do I connect my Nintendo DSi to my home network?
- View Answer at http://help.talktalk.co.uk/app/answers/detail/a_id/1929
How do I connect a PS3 to my home network?
To successfully connect to the internet on your PS3, you must have a working and stable broadband connection using a router. If you have not set up a broadband connection before attempting these steps, or if you are having problems with your broadband connection apart from connecting your PS3 to your home network, please resolve these issues first.
You can either connect your PS3 to your network via a wired or wireless connection. Go to the relevant section below to find out how to connect your PS3 to your home network.
I want to connect my PS3 to my home network via a wireless connection
To connect your PS3 to your wireless network you'll need to know your wireless network name (SSID) and wireless password.If you don't know what they are, go to What is my wireless network name and wireless password? and follow the instructions for your router.
When you know your wireless details, refer to the section below to use them to connect your PS3 to your wireless network.
Connect your PS3 to your wireless network
Follow these steps to connect your PS3 to your wireless network:
- From the PS3 main menu, select Settings, Network Settings and Internet Connection settings, then press the X button.
- If you receive a warning message, select Yes.
- Select Wireless as your connection method, and then press right on the directional pad.
- Select Scan and press right again.
- From the list, select your wireless network name (SSID) and press X.
- On the next screen, press the right button to continue.
- Select WPA for your wireless network's security method.
- If a security key is required, an input page will appear. Press X to bring up the on-screen keyboard. Use the keyboard to enter your wireless password. Then press the Start button on the PS3 controller.
- Press the right button on the directional pad to continue.
- Select Automatic and press right again.
- The settings will be displayed. If they are correct, press the X button. If changes are required, use the left button on the directional pad to return to previous pages.
- To test the connection, press X. The PS3 will attempt to connect to the wireless network.
All you need from us to connect your PS3 via a wireless connection is your wireless network name and wireless password. If you have followed the steps above and your PS3 isn't connected we cannot offer any more help on this issue. If your unable to connect to the PlayStation Network, please go to the PlayStation support site for further help.
I want to connect my PS3 to my home network via a wired connection
If you choose to connect your PS3 using a wired connection, you will need your PS3, a router and an Ethernet cable. Connect one end of the Ethernet cable to a spare port on your router and the other end to the LAN port at the back of the PS3. Then follow these steps:
- From your PS3 main menu, select Settings, Network Settings and Internet Connection settings. Then press the X button.
- If you receive a warning message, select Yes.
- Select Wired as your connection method and press the right button on the directional pad to continue.
- Select Automatic and press right again.
- The settings will be displayed. If they are correct, press the X button. If changes are required, you can use the left button on the directional pad to return to previous pages.
- To test the connection, press X. The PS3 will attempt to connect to the network.
I've followed the steps above but my PS3 won't connect
If you have followed the steps above and your PS3 still won't connect, we cannot offer any more help on this issue. Go to the PS3 support page for further help.
- View More: TalkTalk How do I connect a PS3 to my home network?
- View Answer at http://help.talktalk.co.uk/app/answers/detail/a_id/1978
How do I connect my PSP to my home network?
To connect a PSP to your home network you need to have a working broadband connection, a wireless router and you need to know your wireless network name and wireless password.
If you have not set up a broadband connection before attempting these steps, or if you are having problems with your broadband connection apart from connecting your PSP, please resolve these issues first.
If you don't know what your wireless network name and wireless password is, see What is my wireless network name and wireless password? and follow the instructions for your router.
If you know your wireless network name and wireless password, you can connect your PSP to your network by carrying out the following steps:
- Turn on your PSP and wireless router.
- Enable wireless on your PSP by flipping the WLAN switch to the on position.
- Go to Settings and then Network Settings.
- Select Infrastructure mode.
- Select [New Connection].
- Select Scan to look for your wireless network.
- Select your wireless network name.
- Press the right button on your controller to continue.
- Select WPA-PSK (TKIP).
- Press the X button on your controller and enter your wireless network password using the on-screen keyboard.
- Select Easy to obtain an IP address.
- Enter a connection name.
- Confirm that the settings are correct.
- Press the X button on your controller to save the settings.
- Test the connection.
If you are connected the Internet Connection field will display Succeeded.
All you need from TalkTalk to connect your PSP wirelessly is the wireless network name and password. If the steps above do not work, you should consult the PSP manual or contact Sony.
- View More: TalkTalk How do I connect my PSP to my home network?
- View Answer at http://help.talktalk.co.uk/app/answers/detail/a_id/1928
How do I connect my Xbox 360 to my home network?
To configure an Xbox 360 and successfully connect to Xbox LIVE using your router, you must have a working and stable broadband connection using a router. If you have not set up a broadband connection before attempting these steps, or if you are having problems with your broadband connection apart from connecting to Xbox LIVE, please resolve these issues first. You also need a subscription to Xbox LIVE.
You can either connect your Xbox 360 to your network via a wired or wireless connection. Go to the relevant section below to find out how to connect your Xbox 360 to your home network.
- View More: TalkTalk How do I connect my Xbox 360 to my home network?
- View Answer at http://help.talktalk.co.uk/app/answers/detail/a_id/1916
Connect your Xbox 360 to your Hub (wireless)
To connect wirelessly you'll need to know your Hub's wireless network name and wireless key.
How do I find the wireless network name (SSID) and wireless key for my BT Home Hub or router?
- Check your wireless adapter is plugged into your Xbox as shown:
- Press the
button on your controller to open the dashboard.
- Highlight Xbox Dashboard and press
- From the Xbox dashboard step to My Xbox.
- Navigate right to System Settings and press
- Highlight Network Settings and press
- Highlight Configure Network and press
- Highlight Wireless Mode and press
- Highlight Scan for Networks and press
- You'll see a list of available wireless networks. Highlight your Hub's network name and press
- Enter your Hub's wireless key (called a WPA or WEP key by the Xbox) and select Done.
- Press
- Highlight Test Xbox LIVE Connection and press
- You may be warned that testing your network connection will sign everyone out. Select Yesand the test will start.
- The Xbox will perform a number of tests. When complete, press
- That's it, you're now connected. The light on the back of your wireless adapter should now be green.
- Check your wireless adapter is plugged into your Xbox as shown:
- View More: BT Connect your Xbox 360 to your Hub (wireless)
- View Answer at http://bt.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/11248
How to connect your PlayStation3 to your BT Home Hub (Wi-Fi)
(Note: This guide was created using a PlayStation3 with firmware version 2.52.)
Make sure your Hub or router's wireless function is switched on. Make a note of the wireless network name (SSID) and wireless key.
How do I find the wireless network name (SSID) and wireless key for my BT Home Hub or router?
- From the PS3 home screen select Network Settings from within the Settings section.
Ensure Internet Connection is enabled (if not, select Internet Connection and toggle from disabled to enabled). - Select Internet Connection Settings.
- Select Yes to accept the warning about the system being disconnected.
- Select Custom.
- Select Wireless.
- Ensure your PS3 is within range of your Hub or router and select Scan.
- You'll see a list of Hubs and routers within range of your PS3. Highlight your Hub or router and select.
- Verify that the Hub or router you are presented with is the one you wish to connect to and select.
- Highlight the relevant security type (if any) in use by the Hub or router and select.
- Enter the security key/passphrase used by the Hub or router. (If security is not set on the Hub or router this screen will not be displayed) then press the Start key on the controller.
(Note: Characters entered here will be displayed on the screen as asterisks.) - The following screens will show default settings for most Hubs or routers. Please verify that your Hub or router uses these settings:
- IP Address Setting > Automatic
- Set the DHCP host name > Do Not Set
- DNS Setting > Automatic
- MTU > Automatic
- Proxy Server > Do Not Use
- UPnP > Enable
Verify the settings you have entered are correct and press Cross. - To verify your connection is working press Cross.
- A test summary will be presented, press Circle to finish.
- From the PS3 home screen select Network Settings from within the Settings section.
- View More: BT How to connect your PlayStation3 to your BT Home Hub (Wi-Fi)
- View Answer at http://bt.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/11246
How to connect your Nintendo Wii to your BT Home Hub (Wi-Fi)
(Note: This guide was created using a Wii with firmware version 3.4E).
Follow the steps below to connect your Wii to your BT Home Hub.
Make sure your Hub or router's wireless function is switched on. Make a note of the wireless network name (SSID) and wireless key.
How do I find the wireless network name (SSID) and wireless key for my BT Home Hub or router?
- From the Wii home screen select Wii Options.
- Select Wii Settings.
- Select Internet (from settings screen 2).
- Select Connection Settings.
- Select the Connection number you wish to store this connection against.
- Select Wireless Connection.
- Ensure your wireless BT Home Hub or router is turned on and within range of your Wii then select Search for an Access Point.
- The Wii will then search for wireless access points (BT Home Hubs or routers) within range.
- Select OK.
- You will be presented with a list of wireless access points within range of your Wii, select the relevant access point, which should be your BT Home Hub or router.
Note: If your BT Home Hub or router isn't secured then you won't see the following three screens. - Click in the 'Input the password or key' box.
- Enter the wirless key/passphrase for your BT Home Hub or router then select OK.
- Select OK.
- Select OK to save these details.
- Select OK to test your connection.
- The Wii will then perform a connection test on your internet connection.
- If you wish to check for firmware updates for your console select Yes and follow on-screen instructions, if not select No.
- From the Wii home screen select Wii Options.
- View More: BT How to connect your Nintendo Wii to your BT Home Hub (Wi-Fi)
- View Answer at http://bt.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/11265
How to connect your Sony PSP to your BT Home Hub (Wi-Fi)
Follow the steps below to connect your PSP to your BT Home Hub using a WEP connection.
Ensure that your Home Hub or Router has wireless capability and that this is enabled. Make a note of the Service Set Identifier (SSID) and wireless key.
How do I find the wireless network name (SSID) and wireless key for my BT Home Hub or router?
- From the PSP home screen select Network Settings from within the Settings section.
- Select Infrastructure Mode.
- Select [New Connection].
- Ensure your PSP is within range of your BT Home Hub or Router and select Scan.
- Your PSP will scan for wireless access points within range.
- You will be presented with a list of access points within range of your PSP, highlight the relevant access point and select it (this should be your BT Home Hub or Router).
- Verify that the access point you are presented with is the one you wish to connect to and select.
- Highlight the relevant security type (if any) in use by the BT Home Hub or Router and select.
Please note if there is no security set up on the BT Home Hub or Router the next three steps are not presented. - Press X on the PSP to enter security key setup screen.
- Enter the wireless key/passphrase used for by the BT Home Hub or Router then press the Start button on the PSP.
- Press the right arrow button on the PSP.
- Select Easy.
- Enter the name by which you wish to refer to this connection. This will default to the SSID of the access point.
- Verify the details you have entered and press the right arrow button on the PSP.
- Press the X button on the PSP to save these settings.
- Press the X button in the PSP to test the connection.
- You will be presented with a detailed summary of your connection. When you are satisfied press the O button on the PSP to finish.
- From the PSP home screen select Network Settings from within the Settings section.
- View More: BT How to connect your Sony PSP to your BT Home Hub (Wi-Fi)
- View Answer at http://bt.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/11266
How to connect your Nintendo DS to your BT Home Hub (Wi-Fi)
Make sure your Hub or router's wireless function is switched on. Make a note of the wireless network name (SSID) and wireless key.
How do I find the wireless network name (SSID) and wireless key for my BT Home Hub or router?
Note: The Nintendo DS only works with a Hub that has WEP security (or no security). The black BT Home Hub 2.0 has WPA security, so you may need to change it.
How do I change the wireless security on my BT Home Hub 2.0 to WEP?
Insert a Wi-Fi compatible game into your Nintendo DS and access the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection Set-up screen. For information on how to do this please see your game manual.
- Select Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection Settings.
- Select an unused connection.
- Select Search for an Access Point.
You will be presented with a list of access points (BT Home Hubs or routers) within range of your Nintendo DS. - If your access point has a blue unlocked icon select this option and then OK. The Nintendo DS will establish a connection with the BT Home Hub or router. Back out of the set-up screens back to your game.
- If your access point has a red locked icon, select this option. Enter your wireless key on the following screen then select OK. Tap OK to save these settings. Tap OK again and the Nintendo DS will establish a connection with the BT Home Hub or router. Back out of the set-up screens back to your game.
- If your access point has a grey locked icon then the Nintendo DS is not compatible with the security settings on your BT Home Hub or router.
How do I change the wireless security on my BT Home Hub 2.0 to WEP?
- Select Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection Settings.
- View More: BT How to connect your Nintendo DS to your BT Home Hub (Wi-Fi)
- View Answer at http://bt.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/11263