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    How do I connect a PS3 to my home network?

    • Answer
    • To successfully connect to the internet on your PS3, you must have a working and stable broadband connection using a router. If you have not set up a broadband connection before attempting these steps, or if you are having problems with your broadband connection apart from connecting your PS3 to your home network, please resolve these issues first.

      You can either connect your PS3 to your network via a wired or wireless connection. Go to the relevant section below to find out how to connect your PS3 to your home network.

      I want to connect my PS3 to my home network via a wireless connection

      To connect your PS3 to your wireless network you'll need to know your wireless network name (SSID) and wireless password.If you don't know what they are, go to What is my wireless network name and wireless password? and follow the instructions for your router.

      When you know your wireless details, refer to the section below to use them to connect your PS3 to your wireless network.

      Connect your PS3 to your wireless network

      Follow these steps to connect your PS3 to your wireless network:

      1. From the PS3 main menu, select SettingsNetwork Settings and Internet Connection settings, then press the X button.
      2. If you receive a warning message, select Yes.
      3. Select Wireless as your connection method, and then press right on the directional pad.
      4. Select Scan and press right again.
      5. From the list, select your wireless network name (SSID) and press X.
      6. On the next screen, press the right button to continue.
      7. Select WPA for your wireless network's security method.
      8. If a security key is required, an input page will appear. Press X to bring up the on-screen keyboard. Use the keyboard to enter your wireless password. Then press the Start button on the PS3 controller.
      9. Press the right button on the directional pad to continue.
      10. Select Automatic and press right again.
      11. The settings will be displayed. If they are correct, press the X button. If changes are required, use the left button on the directional pad to return to previous pages.
      12. To test the connection, press X. The PS3 will attempt to connect to the wireless network.

      All you need from us to connect your PS3 via a wireless connection is your wireless network name and wireless password. If you have followed the steps above and your PS3 isn't connected we cannot offer any more help on this issue. If your unable to connect to the PlayStation Network, please go to the PlayStation support site for further help.

      I want to connect my PS3 to my home network via a wired connection

      If you choose to connect your PS3 using a wired connection, you will need your PS3, a router and an Ethernet cable. Connect one end of the Ethernet cable to a spare port on your router and the other end to the LAN port at the back of the PS3. Then follow these steps:

      1. From your PS3 main menu, select SettingsNetwork Settings and Internet Connection settings. Then press the X button.
      2. If you receive a warning message, select Yes.
      3. Select Wired as your connection method and press the right button on the directional pad to continue.
      4. Select Automatic and press right again.
      5. The settings will be displayed. If they are correct, press the X button. If changes are required, you can use the left button on the directional pad to return to previous pages.
      6. To test the connection, press X. The PS3 will attempt to connect to the network.

      I've followed the steps above but my PS3 won't connect

      If you have followed the steps above and your PS3 still won't connect, we cannot offer any more help on this issue. Go to the PS3 support page for further help.

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