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What can I do to protect my safety, security and privacy online?
It's important to stay safe when you're online. This is why BT offers services to help you protect your safety, security and privacy.
All our broadband options include BT Family Protection and BT Yahoo! Mail security at no extra cost. If you opt for BT Total Broadband Options 2, 3 or BT Infinity, you get BT NetProtect Plus anti-virus and firewall protection included at no extra cost.
BT NetProtect Plus gives you all the protection you, your computer and your family need online. If you haven't already, all you need to do is download and install it now to get instant protection.
Here are some other areas of security you should think about:
Protecting your BT Home Hub
The BT Home Hub has built-in security software to keep your wireless connection secure. Find out more by reading our BT Home Hub security advice.
Anti-virus software
To stop viruses and other unwanted intruders, make sure you install BT NetProtect Plus by visiting the download pages.
If BT NetProtect Plus is not included with your broadband service, we recommend you buy it here.
Be wary about emails
Many viruses arrive in the form of an email with an attachment. BT Yahoo! Mail automatically filters viruses from your email. However, if you use other email services you may not get the same level of protection.
To prevent infection:
- Don't open attachments unless you're sure of where it comes from and the likely content. Remember, some emails with viruses use false addresses and therefore could appear to be from people or companies you know. (For example, billing@btopenworld.com and accounts@btinternet.com.)
BT never sends out emails with attachments. So if you get an email with an attachment that claims to be from BT, just delete it straightaway without opening it.
- Keep your computer operating system up to date. If you're running Windows on a PC then use the Microsoft Windows update website. If you've got a Mac then use the software update feature that's built in to OSX. This way you'll always have the latest security patches.
What is a virus, trojan or worm?
How can I stop spyware and adware on my computer?
Dealing with spam emails
One of the benefits of BT Yahoo! Mail is that it includes tools to help you stop unwanted emails.
How can I stop spam emails?
How should I deal with pornographic spam emails and harmful or illegal web content?
Why have other people claimed I have sent them emails that I know I haven't?
Protecting your family
Parental controls come with BT Broadband at no extra cost. For more information, visit the BT Family Protection pages.
How can I control what my children do on the internet?
Phishing and identity theft
Criminals use different methods to try to get hold of your personal details including sending out bogus emails asking you to supply information to "protect your account".
What is phishing? Is the email I have received genuine?
Find out how to protect yourself on the BT Yahoo! privacy pages.
Further information
Learn about the basics of internet security at www.bt.com/safety
General news and tips on security issues from the BT Life team
- Don't open attachments unless you're sure of where it comes from and the likely content. Remember, some emails with viruses use false addresses and therefore could appear to be from people or companies you know. (For example, billing@btopenworld.com and accounts@btinternet.com.)
- View More: BT What can I do to protect my safety, security and privacy online?
- View Answer at http://bt.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/9924/c/346,510,512
How do I sign up to the Super Safe Boost?
To sign up for the Super Safe Boost and download F-Secure, follow the steps below:
- Go to My Account and login.
- Go to Super Safe Boost.
- Click Buy Now, or if you already have the service, Download.
- On the following page, click Download.
- Click Save and select your desktop as the location to save the file to.
You will now be able to download and install the F-Secure software.
For help on installation from this point see, How do I install TalkTalk Security?.
If you need to update your e-mail address, go to: How do I update my e-mail address in My Account?
- View More: TalkTalk How do I sign up to the Super Safe Boost?
- View Answer at http://help.talktalk.co.uk/app/answers/detail/a_id/1536
What are computer viruses and how can I prevent them?
A virus is a malicious program intended to destroy data on your computer or to crash specific software applications. Viruses can be attached to email messages or downloaded to your computer via interactive websites. Hackers can also plant viruses if they manage to break into your computer.
To prevent this from happening, we recommend that you:
- Install firewall software on your computer
- Install antivirus software on your computer and run a virus scan with it regularly
- Never open or download files from unknown or untrustworthy sources
- Go to F-Secure Online Scanner to scan your computer for viruses
For more information about online security, visit our Security Centre.
- View More: TalkTalk What are computer viruses and how can I prevent them?
- View Answer at http://help.talktalk.co.uk/app/answers/detail/a_id/1538/session/L2F2LzEvc2lkL0VBT1ZFZkJr/sno/0
TalkTalk HomeSafe - An Overview
As an internet provider, we receive billions of requests every day from our customers to connect to all sorts of websites. Some of the websites our customers visit contain viruses or deliberately malicious code, which can be used to steal their information or damage their computer. Often, the website owners are unaware that malicious code or viruses are on their site. Other websites contain content which our customers do not wish themselves, or their family members, to view.
We want to help our customers avoid their devices (PCs, Macs, games consoles, set top boxes etc.) being compromised by these threats and unwanted content, so we've designed and built a new security product called HomeSafe. It gives our customers greater protection and control over their web browsing experience. It's brand new, but we're ready for our customers to start using it and tell us what they think about it. HomeSafe is available to most, but not all customers at the moment.
More information
For more information on Virus Alerts, please visit TalkTalk Virus Alerts.
For more information on KidsSafe and Homework Time, please visit KidsSafe and Homework Time.
How do I sign up for HomeSafe?
To sign up for HomeSafe, please visit www.talktalk.co.uk/homesafe.
- View More: TalkTalk TalkTalk HomeSafe - An Overview
- View Answer at http://help.talktalk.co.uk/app/answers/detail/a_id/2067
Computer security explained
You probably use your computer to send and receive emails. Maybe you bank online, pay bills or buy things too. All these things involve sending sensitive information – like your credit card number – over the Internet.
Computer security is all about keeping this information safe.
Sometimes it's as simple as taking a few precautions. You wouldn't give your credit card number to a stranger in the street, so don't give it to a stranger on the Internet either.
In every community you find people who are intent on doing harm. Sadly, that's true of the Internet as well.
There are people who write computer viruses. There are people who try and steal your identity. And there are people who will try and clog up your email with promises of get rich quick schemes.
The good news is that these are only a tiny proportion of all Internet users. And by taking a few precautions, as well as using some security software like the McAfee Security for O2 Home Broadband, you can take advantage of all the good stuff online without putting yourself at risk.
View our interactive guide to get more support setting up and going wireless
- View More: O2 Computer security explained
- View Answer at http://service.o2.co.uk/IQ/SRVS/CGI-BIN/WEBCGI.EXE/,/?St=201,E=0000000003153675279,K=8216,Sxi=2,T=guruCase,VARSET_COBJID=24008,Problem=Obj(24008)
What does Virgin Media Security do automatically?
- Virgin Media Security Anti-Virus offers real-time protection that runs transparently in the background to protect your computer from online threats like viruses, Trojans and worms. Infected files are simply detected and repaired, or just blocked whilst you work. To make sure you are constantly protected against new threats, our virus definitions database is continuously updated with the latest virus information. All updates are sent to your computer automatically.
- Virgin Media Security Anti-Virus scans POP3 (e.g. Outlook Express) email attachments to provide additional security to protect your system from viruses, worms and Trojans. When your Virgin Media Security Anti-Virus scans an incoming email, it scans the body of the message as well as any attachments.
- If a virus is found, the text of the message is replaced by information about the virus and all the attachments are deleted. The original email header (From:, To:, CC:, Subject: ) remains intact.
- Virgin Media automatically scan all emails before they arrive at in your inbox for viruses and spam.
- Virgin Media Security firewall offer 'Always-on' Protection (XP users only): with the ability to be continuously connected to the Internet, it is important to ensure that you have protection against malicious hackers. Even when you are not logged in, 'Always on protection' continues to keep your computer safe.
- Intrusion Detection: Virgin Media Security Firewall monitors the connectivity to your system ports. Your system's ports are used by programs to channel information to and from your computer. Virgin Media Security Firewall will detect if your port is being scanned and will block the port to prevent malicious programs from accessing your system.
- Virgin Media Security Anti-Spyware protects your privacy on the Internet by eliminating spyware software. It works in a similar way to the Virgin Media Security Anti-Virus by scanning the memory and drives on your computer. If spyware is found then it can be deleted and recorded in a log.
- Virgin Media Security comes with Anti-Spyware already turned 'on' and will pick up any spyware that appears as you use your computer but you will need to run a full system scan as soon Virgin Media Security is installed to pick up any dormant spyware files that may already reside on your computer.
- To make sure you are constantly protected against new threats, our spyware definitions database is continuously updated with the latest spyware information. All updates are sent to your computer via automatic updates system over the Internet.
- View More: Virgin Media What does Virgin Media Security do automatically?
- View Answer at http://help.virginmedia.com/system/selfservice.controller
BT Home Hub security advice
This article contains links to advice on keeping your BT Home Hub secure.
Choose from the links below for your Hub
(includes black version) - View More: BT BT Home Hub security advice
- View Answer at http://bt.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/10490/c/346,510,512
What security features are included with BT Total Broadband?
BT Broadband includes the following security features for all customers:
- Email anti-virus - scans your BT Yahoo! email attachments for viruses.
- Spam blocker - diverts junk emails to a separate folder.
- Anti-spyware protection - scans your computer for spyware and adware.
- Pop-up blocker - stops pop-up windows appearing when you browse the Internet.
BT Total Broadband Option 2 and 3, BT Infinity customers also get BT NetProtect Plus, a PC and Mac comprehensive security suite provided by McAfee. This includes:
- VirusScan - protects you from the latest security threats, including viruses, Trojans, tracking cookies, spyware and adware.
- Personal Firewall - acts as a security barrier against hackers and other online threats, allowing you to access the Internet, but keeping unauthorised intruders locked out.
- Parental Controls - lets you filter potentially inappropriate websites, turn on age-appropriate searching, and set web browsing time limits. Parental Controls also lets you universally restrict access to specific Web sites, and block access based on associated keywords.
- SiteAdvisor - warns you before you interact with a dangerous website by checking for threats such as spyware, online scams, and spam.
It's included free of charge with BT Total Broadband Options 2, 3 and BT Infinity. To download now, go to www.bt.com/netprotectplus If you're on BT Total Broadband Option 1 you can buy BT NetProtect Plus for a small monthly fee. To buy now, go to www.bt.com/netprotectplus
- View More: BT What security features are included with BT Total Broadband?
- View Answer at http://bt.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/12629/c/346,510,512
Why have other people claimed I have sent them emails that I know I haven't?
Your PC or Mac may have a virus or a "trojan", or may have been used as an "open relay server". We advise you to use virus protection software to ensure you have no trojans on your computer.
Alternatively, your email address may have been used by spammers, where, in order to hide their own identity, they will have sent spam emails which will appear to have come from you. They can do this by using your email address as their "Reply To" address (this is called "email spoofing").
- View More: BT Why have other people claimed I have sent them emails that I know I haven't?
- View Answer at http://bt.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/9192/c/346,510,512
How to apply age restricted access to the internet using McAfee Security Centre