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    TalkTalk HomeSafe - An Overview

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    • As an internet provider, we receive billions of requests every day from our customers to connect to all sorts of websites. Some of the websites our customers visit contain viruses or deliberately malicious code, which can be used to steal their information or damage their computer. Often, the website owners are unaware that malicious code or viruses are on their site. Other websites contain content which our customers do not wish themselves, or their family members, to view.

      We want to help our customers avoid their devices (PCs, Macs, games consoles, set top boxes etc.) being compromised by these threats and unwanted content, so we've designed and built a new security product called HomeSafe. It gives our customers greater protection and control over their web browsing experience. It's brand new, but we're ready for our customers to start using it and tell us what they think about it. HomeSafe is available to most, but not all customers at the moment.

      More information

      For more information on Virus Alerts, please visit TalkTalk Virus Alerts.

      For more information on KidsSafe and Homework Time, please visit KidsSafe and Homework Time.

      How do I sign up for HomeSafe?

      To sign up for HomeSafe, please visit www.talktalk.co.uk/homesafe.

    • View Answer at http://help.talktalk.co.uk/app/answers/detail/a_id/2067
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