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Email problems: using the error code to help fix a fault
If a problem occurs when you are using email, you may get an error message or error code which tells you the cause of the problem. For example, the image below shows what could happen when using Outlook Express. The error code given in the example is shown as 'Error number 0x800CCC79'.
If your error code matches any of those below then click on the link to read how to rectify the problem or you can use our email trouble shooting wizard (compatible with Microsoft Outlook 2003 to 2010, Outlook Express and Windows Live Mail):
Use our email trouble shooting wizard
Outlook & Outlook Express error messages
0x800CCC79 - Recipient not authorised / Unknown local user
0x800CCC0D - Cannot locate server
0x800CCC0F - Connection dropped
0x800CCC0E - Cannot connect to server
0x800CCC18 - Logon attempt failed
0x800CCC19 - Operation timed out
0x800CCC90 - Client response invalid
0x800CCC91 - POP3 username invalid
0x800CCC92 - POP3 password invalid
0x800CCC0E or 0x800CCC0D errors
Can I correct the 553 error message I'm getting when I try sending from Outlook 2003?
How to verify email addresses (to avoid getting Error 553 when sending email)
Other error messages
What does it mean if I see the message 'Server Error 500'?
I'm getting 'server rejected the sender's email address' error
Troubleshooting other problems and errors for email
Further information
If you're having problems setting up your BT Yahoo! email address with Microsoft Outlook, Outlook Express or Windows Live Mail you can use our email set-up wizard to do this automatically:
- View More: BT Email problems: using the error code to help fix a fault
- View Answer at http://bt.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/6028/c/346,412,418
Troubleshooting for email
Easy tips and solutions to help you resolve problems with your email.
- View More: BT Troubleshooting for email
- View Answer at http://bt.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/13870/c/346,412,418
Cannot send or receive email
Are you having problems sending or receiving emails? Try following the guidance below to help you fix any issues you have.
Client set-up
If you're having problems setting up your email client, or you've set it up but have problems with it, you can check out our guides for the most popular clients.
See: Setting up email with different email programs.
Server settings
If you're using a client that we don't have set-up guides for, you'll find the server settings you need by clicking here.
Username & password
Please click here if you've forgotton your username or password.
- View More: BT Cannot send or receive email
- View Answer at http://bt.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/13895/c/346,412,418
I cannot log into TalkTalk Webmail, what should I do?
You can login to webmail at http://www.talktalk.co.uk/mail
If you're having trouble logging in to the new email in your web browser, please make sure you've tried all of these options:
- Double-check your password. Is the Caps Lock key on?
- Reset your password. In some cases, login problems can be resolved by resetting the password After you reset your password, wait 5 minutes to make sure the new password is enabled, and then login again.
- Try webmail and an email client. If you're having trouble with Outlook, try logging in to webmail. If webmail is giving you problems, try Outlook, Windows Live Mail, Thunderbird, or another email client. How to connect with an email client
- Typed the wrong password too often? To prevent security issues, your account will temporarily lock if you type the wrong password too many times. Wait one hour, then try logging in again.
- Is your billing up to date? If there is a problem with the billing information for your broadband account, you may have trouble logging into webmail.
- Update your browser: Make sure you are using the latest version of your web browser. For more information on updating your web browser, please see - Upgrade to a supported web browser
- Did you see an error? If you see an error message when trying to login, write it down before contacting customer support.
What to do if JavaScript is not enabled
You need to use a JavaScript-enabled browser to log into webmail. If JavaScript is disabled, you may see a message like this:
To enable JavaScript, follow the steps for your browser below.
Internet Explorer
You can enable JavaScript by lowering your security settings to Medium. To do this, follow the steps below in Internet Explorer:
- At the top of the screen, click Tools and select Internet Options.
- Select the Security tab.
- Click the Custom Level... button.
- In the Reset to box, change the setting to Medium as indicated in the image below.
- Click Reset and click Yes.
Now, close Internet Explorer and open it again. Try to log into webmail.
To enable JavaScript in Firefox, follow the steps below:
- Click Tools and select Options.
- Select Content.
- Tick .
- Click OK.
Now, close Firefox and open it again. Try to log into webmail at http://www.talktalk.co.uk/mail.
- View More: TalkTalk I cannot log into TalkTalk Webmail, what should I do?
- View Answer at http://help.talktalk.co.uk/app/answers/detail/a_id/1663
Email problems: error code 0x800CCC79 (Error 550) - Recipient not authorised/Unknown local user
If you can't send email, your email program may display an error message containing "error code 550" or "error code 0x800CCC79". It may also say "Recipient Not Authorised" or "Unknown Local User". There are three main reasons for receiving these error messages, please see below for the appropriate solution:
Authentication failure
If you are trying to send email from and to a valid email address and you receive an Error 550 message then the first thing to check is that your email program is set up for SMTP authentication.
To protect our email server from abuse by spammers, we only allow our own customers to use it. We do this by insisting that all emails sent through BT Yahoo! have SMTP authentication to prove where they came from. The link below will help you with this problem:
Setting up SMTP authentication
Sending from an invalid address
If you are trying to send email from an invalid email address you'll get an Error 550 message saying: "Server Response: '550 Recipient Not Authorised [recipient rejected due to no authorised destination groups]".
So if the address you are sending from does not appear to be valid, our server will not send the email. Please check the following:
- The address you are sending from was spelled correctly when you set up your mail account, you may find the link below can help you:
Read an introduction to setting up email
- It is at least 24 hours since the email address was created (this is because it may take our system up to a day to activate a new address).
Sending to an invalid address
If the address you are sending from is valid, then there may be a problem with the address you are sending to.
If you are trying to send an email to an invalid @btinternet.com or @btopenworld.com email address then you'll get an Error 550 message saying: "Server Response: '550 unknown local user".
Alternatively, if you are trying to send an email to a different mail server (to an email address that does not contain @btinternet or @btopenworld) then you may receive a "Delivery Status Notification (Failure)" email from the destination mail server.
Please check the following:
- The address you are sending to is spelled correctly.
- There are no service problems with the destination mail server.
Further information
If you're having problems with your emails or your're receiving error messages, please use the link below for further information about error messages and how to resolve them:
Email problems: using the error code to help fix a fault
- The address you are sending from was spelled correctly when you set up your mail account, you may find the link below can help you:
- View More: BT Email problems: error code 0x800CCC79 (Error 550) - Recipient not authorised/Unknown local user
- View Answer at http://bt.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/730/c/346,412,418
What are TalkTalk's email settings?
You can connect to your TalkTalk e-mail mailbox via a number of devices and software applications.
For instructions on how to set up your e-mail on some of the most common software applications and devices, see How do I set up my TalkTalk email?
Unfortunately we cannot provide help for all devices and software applications as they are not TalkTalk products. However, if your software application or device isn't listed, all you need to connect to your TalkTalk e-mail mailbox is the TalkTalk e-mail settings. These are listed below.
Required settings
The settings below are required from any e-mail application or device:
Email client settings
Here are the mail server settings for customers who have email addresses from TalkTalk, Tiscali, Lineone and other providers.
Note: These settings work when connecting to the internet with TalkTalk. The SMTP setting will be different if you are using another internet service provider or a mobile phone.
TalkTalk Settings
Incoming email (POP3)
Outgoing email (SMTP)
FTP server
Webspace address
Tiscali Settings
Incoming email (POP3)
Outgoing email (SMTP)
FTP server
Webspace address
Lineone Settings
Incoming email (IMAP) imap.lineone.net Incoming email (POP3)
Outgoing email (SMTP)
FTP server
Webspace address
Tinyworld Settings
Incoming email (IMAP) imap.tiscali.co.uk Incoming email (POP3)
Outgoing email (SMTP)
FTP server
Webspace address
Tinyonline Settings
Incoming email (POP3)
Outgoing email (SMTP)
FTP server
World Online Settings
Incoming email (POP3)
Outgoing email (SMTP)
FTP server
Webspace address
Screaming.net Settings
Incoming email (POP3)
Outgoing email (SMTP)
FTP server
Webspace address
Gateway Settings
Incoming email (IMAP) imap.ukgateway.net Incoming email (POP3)
Outgoing email (SMTP)
FTP server
Webspace address
Optional settings
If required, here are some optional settings that you may or may not be asked:
- Incoming mail account type: POP3
- Incoming mail port: 110
- Log on using SPA: Leave unticked
- Authentication: None
- Outgoing mail port: 25
- Use SSL: Leave unticked
- IMAP: mail.talktalk.net
- View More: TalkTalk What are TalkTalk's email settings?
- View Answer at http://homehelphub.com/Category/Email-Internet-Queries/8
How to change your e-mail password
You can now manage all your email addresses and passwords through My Account.
Changing your email Password
Follow these simple steps to change your email password.
- Go to the Email & Password My Account page (Can't log into My Account?)
- Click Change password next to the relevant email address
- Enter the new password in the New Password box and the Confirm Password box.
- Click Confirm
The password will change immediately.
Email address does not show in My Account
If you can’t see your email address in My Account, you will need to add it by following these steps.
- Go to the Email & Password My Account page (Can't log into My Account?)
- Click Manage existing address.
- Enter the first part of your email address into the box and select the relevant ending.
- Enter the password for this email address
- Click Submit
This address will now be visible in you’re My Account, and can be changed using the process above.
- View More: TalkTalk How to change your e-mail password
- View Answer at http://help.talktalk.co.uk/app/answers/detail/a_id/1895
Forgotten Sky Email your username/password?
- If you've forgotten your username or passwrd, don't worry you can get reminders by simply following the simple instructions below.Get A Username ReminderGo to www.sky.com/mysky and follow the Forgotten Username link.Enter the email address you gave us when you signed up and follow the Next link.Depending on your location, select UK or ROI using the radio buttons, and then enter your first name, surname and house name/number and postcode (in the UK) or telephone number (in the Republic of Ireland) then Submit your details.If you have previously completed your Customer Profile details, answer the security question and Submit your answer.If you have not completed your Customer Profile, you will be asked to confirm the last six digits of the card or bank account you use to pay your Sky bill, or your viewing card number.Once you have entered these details, you will be shown your username.Get A Password ReminderGo to www.sky.com/mysky and follow the Forgotten Password linkEnter your username and follow the Next linkWe'll send an email to the address gave us when you signed up, containing your new passwordIf you have previously completed your Customer Profile details, answer the security question and Submit your answerIf you have not completed your Customer Profile, you will be asked to confirm your postcode, house name/number (in the UK) or telephone number (in the Republic of Ireland) and the last six digits of the card or account you pay your Sky bill with, or alternatively your viewing card numberChoose a new password, type this in and Confirm your choice. You will see the 'You have successfully changed your password' messageFollow the Login/Register linkSign into your account with your username and new passwordSelect Edit My Sky Profile, if any details are missing from your profile, you can Edit your detailsSave your changes once they're complete
- View More: Sky Forgotten Sky Email your username/password?
- View Answer at http://www.sky.com/helpcentre/broadband/email-and-tools/forgotten-sky-email-username-or-password/
Problems signing in to your Sky Email account
- If you're having problems signing in to your Sky Email acoount, have a read of our helpful hints below
- View More: Sky Problems signing in to your Sky Email account
- View Answer at http://www.sky.com/helpcentre/broadband/email-and-tools/problems-signing-in-to-your-sky-email-account/
I can’t use Sky Email in Internet Explorer 9
If you find you're having problems accessing your emails since upgrading to Internet Explorer 9 (IE9), please follow the steps below to fix this issue.
There are two ways to view Sky Email within Internet Explorer 9. For one method, Compatibility View settings for Sky.com can be switched on. For the other way, Compatibility View settings for Sky.com can be switched off:
1. Open Internet Explorer.
2. Select Tools (top right of the page).
3. Then select Compatibility View settings,
4. In the Add This Website box type in Sky.com, then select add.
5. Make sure Include updated website lists from Microsoft and Display Intranet sites in Compatibility View boxes are selected (from the tick boxes at the bottom of the Compatibility View settings box).
6. Select close.
You should now be able to access Sky Webmail. If this does not help, turn the Compatibility ViewSettings off with the similar steps:
4. In the Websites you’ve added to Compatibility View box select Sky.com, then select Remove(see image below).
5. Make sure Include updated website lists from Microsoft and Display Intranet sites inCompatibility View boxes are selected (from the tick boxes at the bottom of the Compatibility View settings box).
6. Select close.
You should now be able to access Sky Webmail.
It is also important to remember that to upgrade to IE9, you will need Windows 7 or Vista as your operating system. Windows XP is incompatible with IE9.
- View More: Sky I can’t use Sky Email in Internet Explorer 9
- View Answer at http://www.sky.com/helpcentre/broadband/email-and-tools/cant-use-sky-email-in-ie9/index.html