Home / Product Selection / Internet / Email / Forgotten Sky Email your username/password?
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    Forgotten Sky Email your username/password?

    • Answer
    • If you've forgotten your username or passwrd, don't worry you can get reminders by simply following the simple instructions below.

      Get A Username Reminder

      Go to www.sky.com/mysky and follow the Forgotten Username link.
      Enter the email address you gave us when you signed up and follow the Next link.
      Depending on your location, select UK or ROI using the radio buttons, and then enter your first name, surname and house name/number and postcode (in the UK) or telephone number (in the Republic of Ireland) then Submit your details.
      If you have previously completed your Customer Profile details, answer the security question and Submit your answer.
      If you have not completed your Customer Profile, you will be asked to confirm the last six digits of the card or bank account you use to pay your Sky bill, or your viewing card number.
      Once you have entered these details, you will be shown your username.

      Get A Password Reminder

      Go to www.sky.com/mysky and follow the Forgotten Password link
      Enter your username and follow the Next link
      We'll send an email to the address gave us when you signed up, containing your new password
      If you have previously completed your Customer Profile details, answer the security question and Submit your answer
      If you have not completed your Customer Profile, you will be asked to confirm your postcode, house name/number (in the UK) or telephone number (in the Republic of Ireland) and the last six digits of the card or account you pay your Sky bill with, or alternatively your viewing card number
      Choose a new password, type this in and Confirm your choice. You will see the 'You have successfully changed your password' message
      Follow the Login/Register link
      Sign into your account with your username and new password
      Select Edit My Sky Profile, if any details are missing from your profile, you can Edit your details
      Save your changes once they're complete

    • View Answer at http://www.sky.com/helpcentre/broadband/email-and-tools/forgotten-sky-email-username-or-password/
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