- Question
Email problems: using the error code to help fix a fault
- Answer
If a problem occurs when you are using email, you may get an error message or error code which tells you the cause of the problem. For example, the image below shows what could happen when using Outlook Express. The error code given in the example is shown as 'Error number 0x800CCC79'.
If your error code matches any of those below then click on the link to read how to rectify the problem or you can use our email trouble shooting wizard (compatible with Microsoft Outlook 2003 to 2010, Outlook Express and Windows Live Mail):
Use our email trouble shooting wizard
Outlook & Outlook Express error messages
0x800CCC79 - Recipient not authorised / Unknown local user
0x800CCC0D - Cannot locate server
0x800CCC0F - Connection dropped
0x800CCC0E - Cannot connect to server
0x800CCC18 - Logon attempt failed
0x800CCC19 - Operation timed out
0x800CCC90 - Client response invalid
0x800CCC91 - POP3 username invalid
0x800CCC92 - POP3 password invalid
0x800CCC0E or 0x800CCC0D errors
Can I correct the 553 error message I'm getting when I try sending from Outlook 2003?
How to verify email addresses (to avoid getting Error 553 when sending email)
Other error messages
What does it mean if I see the message 'Server Error 500'?
I'm getting 'server rejected the sender's email address' error
Troubleshooting other problems and errors for email
Further information
If you're having problems setting up your BT Yahoo! email address with Microsoft Outlook, Outlook Express or Windows Live Mail you can use our email set-up wizard to do this automatically:
- View Answer at http://bt.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/6028/c/346,412,418
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