- Question
What can I do to protect my safety, security and privacy online?
- Answer
It's important to stay safe when you're online. This is why BT offers services to help you protect your safety, security and privacy.
All our broadband options include BT Family Protection and BT Yahoo! Mail security at no extra cost. If you opt for BT Total Broadband Options 2, 3 or BT Infinity, you get BT NetProtect Plus anti-virus and firewall protection included at no extra cost.
BT NetProtect Plus gives you all the protection you, your computer and your family need online. If you haven't already, all you need to do is download and install it now to get instant protection.
Here are some other areas of security you should think about:
Protecting your BT Home Hub
The BT Home Hub has built-in security software to keep your wireless connection secure. Find out more by reading our BT Home Hub security advice.
Anti-virus software
To stop viruses and other unwanted intruders, make sure you install BT NetProtect Plus by visiting the download pages.
If BT NetProtect Plus is not included with your broadband service, we recommend you buy it here.
Be wary about emails
Many viruses arrive in the form of an email with an attachment. BT Yahoo! Mail automatically filters viruses from your email. However, if you use other email services you may not get the same level of protection.
To prevent infection:
- Don't open attachments unless you're sure of where it comes from and the likely content. Remember, some emails with viruses use false addresses and therefore could appear to be from people or companies you know. (For example, billing@btopenworld.com and accounts@btinternet.com.)
BT never sends out emails with attachments. So if you get an email with an attachment that claims to be from BT, just delete it straightaway without opening it.
- Keep your computer operating system up to date. If you're running Windows on a PC then use the Microsoft Windows update website. If you've got a Mac then use the software update feature that's built in to OSX. This way you'll always have the latest security patches.
What is a virus, trojan or worm?
How can I stop spyware and adware on my computer?
Dealing with spam emails
One of the benefits of BT Yahoo! Mail is that it includes tools to help you stop unwanted emails.
How can I stop spam emails?
How should I deal with pornographic spam emails and harmful or illegal web content?
Why have other people claimed I have sent them emails that I know I haven't?
Protecting your family
Parental controls come with BT Broadband at no extra cost. For more information, visit the BT Family Protection pages.
How can I control what my children do on the internet?
Phishing and identity theft
Criminals use different methods to try to get hold of your personal details including sending out bogus emails asking you to supply information to "protect your account".
What is phishing? Is the email I have received genuine?
Find out how to protect yourself on the BT Yahoo! privacy pages.
Further information
Learn about the basics of internet security at www.bt.com/safety
General news and tips on security issues from the BT Life team
Read more about BT NetProtectPlus
- Don't open attachments unless you're sure of where it comes from and the likely content. Remember, some emails with viruses use false addresses and therefore could appear to be from people or companies you know. (For example, billing@btopenworld.com and accounts@btinternet.com.)
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