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What security features are included with BT Total Broadband?
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BT Broadband includes the following security features for all customers:
- Email anti-virus - scans your BT Yahoo! email attachments for viruses.
- Spam blocker - diverts junk emails to a separate folder.
- Anti-spyware protection - scans your computer for spyware and adware.
- Pop-up blocker - stops pop-up windows appearing when you browse the Internet.
BT Total Broadband Option 2 and 3, BT Infinity customers also get BT NetProtect Plus, a PC and Mac comprehensive security suite provided by McAfee. This includes:
- VirusScan - protects you from the latest security threats, including viruses, Trojans, tracking cookies, spyware and adware.
- Personal Firewall - acts as a security barrier against hackers and other online threats, allowing you to access the Internet, but keeping unauthorised intruders locked out.
- Parental Controls - lets you filter potentially inappropriate websites, turn on age-appropriate searching, and set web browsing time limits. Parental Controls also lets you universally restrict access to specific Web sites, and block access based on associated keywords.
- SiteAdvisor - warns you before you interact with a dangerous website by checking for threats such as spyware, online scams, and spam.
It's included free of charge with BT Total Broadband Options 2, 3 and BT Infinity. To download now, go to www.bt.com/netprotectplus If you're on BT Total Broadband Option 1 you can buy BT NetProtect Plus for a small monthly fee. To buy now, go to www.bt.com/netprotectplus
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