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    How do I connect my Nintendo DSi to my home network?

    • Answer
    • Note: These steps are for the Nintendo DSi only. The Nintendo DS uses WEP encryption, which is an older wireless security method that we don't support. For help on a Nintendo DS, go to the Nintendo DS support page.

      To connect a Nintendo DSi to your home network you need to have a working broadband connection, a wireless router and you need to know your wireless network name and wireless password.

      If you have not set up a broadband connection before attempting these steps, or if you are having problems with your broadband connection apart from connecting your Nintendo DSi, please resolve these issues first.

      If you don't know what your wireless network name and wireless password is, see What is my wireless network name and wireless password? and follow the instructions for your router.

      If you know your wireless network name and wireless password, you can connect your Nintendo DSi to your network by carrying out the following steps:

      1. Turn on your Nintendo DSi.
      2. Access your system settings by clicking the wrench icon.
      3. Scroll over to the third page and select Internet.
      4. Select Connection Settings.
      5. Select None next to Connection 1 or one of the other connection slots.
      6. Click Search for an Access Point.
      7. Select your network.
      8. Click Change Security Settings.
      9. Enter your wireless password and click OK.

      All you need from TalkTalk to connect your Nintendo DSi to your wireless network is your wireless network name and wireless password. If you have completed the steps above, and you still cannot connect, you can go to the Nintendo DS support page for further help.

    • View Answer at http://help.talktalk.co.uk/app/answers/detail/a_id/1929
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