Home / Product Selection / Internet / Gaming / How to connect your Sony PSP to your BT Home Hub (Wi-Fi)
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How to connect your Sony PSP to your BT Home Hub (Wi-Fi)
- Answer
Follow the steps below to connect your PSP to your BT Home Hub using a WEP connection.
Ensure that your Home Hub or Router has wireless capability and that this is enabled. Make a note of the Service Set Identifier (SSID) and wireless key.
How do I find the wireless network name (SSID) and wireless key for my BT Home Hub or router?
- From the PSP home screen select Network Settings from within the Settings section.
- Select Infrastructure Mode.
- Select [New Connection].
- Ensure your PSP is within range of your BT Home Hub or Router and select Scan.
- Your PSP will scan for wireless access points within range.
- You will be presented with a list of access points within range of your PSP, highlight the relevant access point and select it (this should be your BT Home Hub or Router).
- Verify that the access point you are presented with is the one you wish to connect to and select.
- Highlight the relevant security type (if any) in use by the BT Home Hub or Router and select.
Please note if there is no security set up on the BT Home Hub or Router the next three steps are not presented. - Press X on the PSP to enter security key setup screen.
- Enter the wireless key/passphrase used for by the BT Home Hub or Router then press the Start button on the PSP.
- Press the right arrow button on the PSP.
- Select Easy.
- Enter the name by which you wish to refer to this connection. This will default to the SSID of the access point.
- Verify the details you have entered and press the right arrow button on the PSP.
- Press the X button on the PSP to save these settings.
- Press the X button in the PSP to test the connection.
- You will be presented with a detailed summary of your connection. When you are satisfied press the O button on the PSP to finish.
- From the PSP home screen select Network Settings from within the Settings section.
- View Answer at http://bt.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/11266
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