- Question
Connect your Xbox 360 to your Hub (wireless)
- Answer
To connect wirelessly you'll need to know your Hub's wireless network name and wireless key.
How do I find the wireless network name (SSID) and wireless key for my BT Home Hub or router?
- Check your wireless adapter is plugged into your Xbox as shown:
- Press the
button on your controller to open the dashboard.
- Highlight Xbox Dashboard and press
- From the Xbox dashboard step to My Xbox.
- Navigate right to System Settings and press
- Highlight Network Settings and press
- Highlight Configure Network and press
- Highlight Wireless Mode and press
- Highlight Scan for Networks and press
- You'll see a list of available wireless networks. Highlight your Hub's network name and press
- Enter your Hub's wireless key (called a WPA or WEP key by the Xbox) and select Done.
- Press
- Highlight Test Xbox LIVE Connection and press
- You may be warned that testing your network connection will sign everyone out. Select Yesand the test will start.
- The Xbox will perform a number of tests. When complete, press
- That's it, you're now connected. The light on the back of your wireless adapter should now be green.
- Check your wireless adapter is plugged into your Xbox as shown:
- View Answer at http://bt.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/11248
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