Home / Product Selection / Internet / BT Infinity / BT Infinity has reached my area, but the line checker says I can’t get it?
  • Question

    BT Infinity has reached my area, but the line checker says I can’t get it?

    • Answer
    • Within an exchange area there will be some customers who can't get BT Infinity. There are several reasons why this could be the case:

      • Your phone line may be connected directly to the telephone exchange and not to a local street cabinet.
      • Your line may be too far from the local street cabinet to have a stable BT Infinity service.
      • Your local street cabinet may not be suitable for fibre optic cables.
      • We haven't yet got the council's planning permission to do the necessary work at your local street cabinet.
      • The fibre service hasn't reached your area yet.
      • Your home may not be suitable for fibre optic cables.
      • Your landlord may not have agreed to the fibre infrastructure being provided in your building (for example if you live in a flat).

      So, even though you may be within an enabled exchange area, it's possible that your particular line may not be able to have BT Infinity yet.

      Our availability checker at www.bt.com/infinity has the latest detail about what speed your line can provide.

    • View Answer at http://bt.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/13922/c/346,3014,3015
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