- Question
Does SpamGuard work if I use an email program?
- Answer
Normally, contents of your Bulk or Spam mail folder will not automatically appear when you check your mail using an email program. By default, the option to do this is turned off, and messages caught by SpamGuard can only be seen via webmail.
Please note that bulk and spam mail will remain in your Bulk or Spam mail folder and will count against your storage quota, unless you visit webmail and delete them yourself.
You can also choose how long you want to keep messages in your Bulk or Spam mail folder.
If you prefer to download the contents of your Bulk or Spam mail folder in addition to your inbox follow the instructions below:For Mail Classic
- Use the link below and login with your email address and password.
Sign in to BT Yahoo! Webmail
- Click on "Mail Options" near the top right
- Click on "Pop Access and Forwarding", and check the box next to "I want to receive all messages, including those that SpamGuard thinks are spam"
- Optionally you can select "For messages that SpamGuard thinks are spam, add [Bulk] as a prefix to the subject". This will help you to manage your bulk mail using your email program.
How do I filter bulk or spam messages using Outlook Express?
For the all-new Yahoo! mail
- Use the link below and login with your email address and password.
Sign in to BT Yahoo! Webmail
- Click on "Options"
- Click on "Mail options" in the drop-down menu
- Click on "POP & Forwarding" on the left-hand side
- Click "Set up or edit POP & Forwarding" and check the box next to "I want to receive all messages, including those that SpamGuard thinks are spam"
Further information
What is spam?
How can I stop spam emails?
How did I get on a spam list?
- Use the link below and login with your email address and password.
- View Answer at http://bt.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/6407/c/346,412,414
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