- Question
Email problems: 0x800CCC0E or 0x800CCC0D errors
- Answer
These Outlook or Outlook Express error messages occur when your program cannot connect to the mail server for some reason.
If you haven't changed your email settings since the last time you used your email program, don't change your email settings, as the fault is quite likely to be a temporary one. Close your program and try again later.
Meanwhile you may also wish to try checking your email via webmail. Use the link below and login with the email address and password.
Please note: You will need your username and password to set up your email client or to use webmail. If you've forgotten these, use the link below:
I've forgotten my BT Yahoo! username or password
You may also wish to check the status of our Internet and email services to check that the problem is not a temporary fault affecting BT's mail servers. To do this you should visit the BT Broadband Service Status page using the link below:
Check online for broadband service problems in your area
Call our broadband service status line on Freephone 0800 169 0199
If you think you may have inadvertently changed your Outlook or Outlook Express settings, you'll need to check these settings and if necessary correct them:
Setting up email in Outlook Express
Setting up BT Yahoo! Mail in Outlook 2002 or 2003
Further information
Email problems: using the error code to help fix a fault
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