- Question
Email problems: Error code 0x800CCC0E - Cannot connect to server
- Answer
Your mail client is unable to connect to your mail server.
If your connection to the internet is okay, and you can surf the web as normal, you should first check that the problem is not a temporary fault affecting BT's mail servers. To do this you should visit the BT Broadband Service Status page using the link below:
Check online for broadband service problems in your area
Call our broadband service status line on Freephone 0800 169 0199
If there are general problems with the network in your area, this may be preventing you from using our services as normal.
If there are no reported problems with the service status in your area then the most likely cuplrit is the set up of the account details in your email client. You should check that your email settings are correct:
Read an introduction to setting up email
Further information
If you're having other problems with your emails or your're receiving error messages, please use the link below for further information about error messages and how to resolve them:
Email problems: using the error code to help fix a fault
- View Answer at http://bt.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/6032/c/346,412,418
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