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Hints on getting an accurate speed test result for BT Infinity
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Please see: How can I test my broadband speed?
The tips below will help you get the most accurate test result:
- Only run from a computer connected to the line you're trying to test.
- Remove the impact of any Wi-Fi issues by using a wired Ethernet connection between your computer and your Hub.
- Close all applications on your computer before you start the speed test so that the computer processor can focus on the speed test.
- Make sure other computers or devices connected to your Hub aren't accessing the Internet.
- Turn off VPN connections to your company's network if you're using a work computer that has one set up. The VPN connection acts like a tunnel within your broadband pipe. The traffic has to flow to the end of the VPN tunnel before it can go out to the Internet. Because most corporate networks use traffic shaping to manage the data flowing through the tunnels, you won't get an accurate speed test result.
- Don't run a test too often. Some speed testers limit the number of times you can run a test from the same line to make sure they can cope with demand. If you want to run multiple tests to see how different things impact on your speed, you may have to wait up to three hours before using the same speed test website.
- Run the test at different times of day. At busy times (5pm to midnight) the throughput rate can momentarily drop as low as 2.4Mb/s. It's nothing to worry about if you get this result once, but there may be a problem with our network if you get a result this low again.
Find out how to get the best speeds at www.bt.com/help/infinityspeed.
- View Answer at http://bt.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/13764
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