- Question
How can I stop spam emails?
- Answer
You should be careful where you enter and give out your email address however you can still receive spam emails without even exposing your address, as it's common for spammers to guess valid email addresses.
Never reply to a spammer or send a 'remove from mailing list' request. This only confirms that your address is valid, and you'll probably get even more spam.
BT Yahoo! Mail and BT Yahoo! Premium Mail includes tools to help you stop unwanted emails. For example, SpamGuard sends spam email directly to the Bulk folder and can block them in future.
Other tools include:
- Filters - automatically sorts incoming messages to different folders
- Block Addresses - stops email from particular email addresses or domains that you select
- Image Blocking - prevents spammers from knowing you opened their email, and protects you from viewing images you don't want to see
How to use SpamGuard
- If you receive a spam email use SpamGuard by highlighting the message and clicking on Spam.
- If SpamGuard has blocked a message that isn't spam, you can tell it by clicking the Not Spambutton.
- If the email you marked as 'Not Spam' doesn't appear back in your inbox, click on Options on the top right-hand side of the window. Click on Spam Protection then tick the box that allows messages highlighted as 'not spam' to be automatically moved to the inbox.
For more information, visit the BT Yahoo! Anti-Spam Resource Centre:
BT Yahoo! Anti-Spam Resource Centre
Further information
What is spam?
How did I get on a spam list?
How do I filter bulk or spam messages using Outlook Express?
Does SpamGuard work if I use an email program?
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