Home / Product Selection / Internet / BT Infinity / How can I test the speed of my BT Infinity service?
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How can I test the speed of my BT Infinity service?
- Answer
Here you can use our speed tester to test your broadband speed. We'll then tell you how to understand the test results, and how to make simple changes to make sure you get the fastest speed possible.
First things first...
If you don't have BT Infinity yet, see what speed you could get using our availability checker.
If you already have BT Infinity installed, and want to test your speed, there's a few things you need to do before running the speed tester:
- Make sure you're connected to the line you're trying to test
- Close down all other applications and any extra browser windows you might have open
- Remove the impact of any wi-fi issues by using a wired Ethernet connection between your computer and Hub
- Make sure other computers or devices connected to your Hub aren't using the internet
- Turn off VPN connections to your company's network if you're using a work computer that has one set up
Ready to run the test?
During the test you may be asked for your Network ID when it asks for your "normal login name". This is: bthomehub@btbroadband.com
- View Answer at http://bt.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/13761
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