- Question
How do I filter bulk or spam messages using Outlook Express?
- Answer
To better manage your emails in your email program, you can have the word "Bulk" automatically added to the subject line of all bulk emails. This allows you to set up your email program to automatically put Bulk Mail messages into a specific folder.
You can turn this option on by going to webmail and following these steps:
- Click the "Mail Options" link in the upper-right of the navigation bar (or "Options", then "Mail Options" if you're using the all-new BT Yahoo! mail).
- Select the link labeled "POP Access and Forwarding" under Management
- Check the option: "For messages that SpamGuard thinks are spam, add [Bulk] as a prefix to the subject"
- Click "Save Changes"
Now you need to create a Bulk Mail folder and filter in Outlook Express to deal with the messages that SpamGuard decides are junk. To do this, follow the instructions belos:
Creating the Bulk folder
- Open your Outlook Express client and click the "File" menu
- From the menu, select "Folder" then "New"
- In the dialog box that comes up, enter a name for the new folder (we recommend "Bulk"), and select where in your folder list that you want the new folder. We recommend you select "Local Folders" to put it at the same level in your list as your Inbox, but some may prefer it to be a sub-folder of your Inbox. To make it a sub-folder of your Inbox, click on "Inbox" in the dialog box instead of "Local Folders"
- Finish by clicking "OK." You now have a folder to receive the bulk messages
Creating the Rule to move Bulk messages to your Bulk folder
- On the Outlook Express toolbar, click the "Tools" menu; select "Message Rules" then "Mail". In the dialog box that comes up, do the following (note that if you already have other rules, you'll need to click the "New..." button before continuing).
- In the upper box titled "1. Select Conditions for your rule:" check the box labeled "Where the subject line contains specific words".
- In the second box titled "2. Select the Actions for your rule:" check the box titled "Move it to the specified folder".
- In the third box titled "3. Rule Description:" click on the "contains specific words" link and enter "[Bulk]" (with the brackets but without the quotes).
- Click "Add" and then "OK"
- In the same box, now click the "specified folder" link, and double click on the "Bulk" folder you created earlier
- Finally, in the last box, give the rule a name and then click "OK." We recommend a simple name such as "Bulk"
- Click "OK" again and you're done.
You now have a rule that tells Outlook Express to automatically put your bulk messages into the new Bulk folder when you receive mail.
Further information
What is spam?
How can I stop spam emails?
How did I get on a spam list?
Does SpamGuard work if I use an email program?
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