Home / Product Selection / Internet / Email / How do I repair a corrupt Outlook Express inbox/outbox?
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How do I repair a corrupt Outlook Express inbox/outbox?
- Answer
Please find here a step-by-step guide to repairing a corrupt inbox or outbox.
Remember: When you repair Outlook Express folders, all the original folder content is lost.
Follow the instructions below:
- Shut down Outlook Express
- Click [Start]
- Select Find
- Select Files or Folders
- Enter the name of the corrupt folder. For example, inbox.dbx
- Click [Search]
- When search has found the folder, right-click on it and select rename
- Call it inbox.old (where inbox is the original folder name)
When you restart Outlook Express, a new folder will be created. You will need to repeat the above steps for each folder that is corrupted. The folders used by Outlook Express are called:- inbox.dbx
- outbox.dbx
- sent*items.dbx
- deleted*items.dbx
- drafts.dbx
Further information
Troubleshooting other problems and errors for email
Email problems: using the error code to help fix a fault
If you are having problems with your Outlook 2003 to 2010, Outlook Express or Windows Mail email client you can use our troubleshooting wizard to fix many common problems.Email troubleshooting wizard
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