- Question
How to remove the special fibre faceplate
- Answer
We recommend that you keep the Hub plugged into the master socket, or a data extension socket, as this will give you the best broadband speed. But if you want to move the BT Home Hub to another room of your home and plug it into a voice extension socket, you'll need to remove the special faceplate from your master socket and go back to using microfilters.
How to remove the fibre faceplate and reconnect your standard broadband:
- Unplug the special extension cable (if installed for BT Infinity) from the top data port on the master socket. (You’ll no longer need this cable.)
- Unscrew the front plate of the master socket.
- Lift off the fibre faceplate, being careful not to upset any wires inside the master socket.
- Find the shorter front plate screws – they should be in the recess of the master socket (if not, most hardware shops stock suitable screws).
- Screw the front plate back into place.
- Plug a microfilter into the front plate.
- Plug a microfilter into any other extension telephone sockets that you have.
- Follow the installation instructions for your standard broadband Hub. You can fit the Hub to any of the microfilters.
- Unplug the special extension cable (if installed for BT Infinity) from the top data port on the master socket. (You’ll no longer need this cable.)
- View Answer at http://bt.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/13727
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