- Question
I keep getting a "time out" message when trying to send emails
- Answer
If you get an error message saying "A time-out occurred while communicating with the server", it could be that you need to check your firewall's email settings. If your firewall is scanning emails, try turning this option off temporarily. If it fixes the problem, please consult your firewall supplier for further advice.
If the error occurs when sending or receiving file attachments in Outlook Express 6, download the Internet Explorer 6 Service Pack 1 from Microsoft to fix the problem.Further information
Troubleshooting other problems and errors for email
Email problems: using the error code to help fix a fault
If you are having problems with your Outlook 2003 to 2010, Outlook Express or Windows Mail email client you can use our troubleshooting wizard to fix many common problems.Email troubleshooting wizard
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