- Question
I want all my messages delivered to my Inbox even if SpamGuard thinks they're spam
- Answer
You can stop BT Yahoo! SpamGuard from automatically sending suspected spam messages to your Spam folder. You'll need to do it from the web version of BT Yahoo! Mail. You can't do it from within a third party email client like Outlook or Mail.
If you're using the New Mail version of BT Yahoo! Mail:
- Login in to BT Yahoo! Mail at www.bt.yahoo.com/webmail.
- Click Options then select Mail Options.
- Select Spam from the navigation menu.
- Uncheck the box to Automatically send suspected spam to my Spam folder.
- Click Save Changes. A message will appear to confim what you've done.
Now any spam you receive will be delivered to your Inbox, and no new messages will go into your Spam folder. If you want to start using the Spam folder again, it's easy to turn it on by repeating the steps but this time clicking the box to turn SpamGuard back on again.
If you're using the Classic version of BT Yahoo! Mail:
- Login in to BT Yahoo! Mail at www.bt.yahoo.com/webmail.
- Click Options and select Mail Options.
- Select Spam from the navigation menu.
- Untick the box to Automatically send suspected spam to my Spam folder.
- Click Save Changes. A message will appear to confim the changes have been saved.
Now any spam you receive will be delivered to your Inbox, and no new messages will go into your Spam folder. If you want to start using the Spam folder again, it's easy to turn it back on by repeating these steps and ticking the box to automatically send spam to your Spam folder.
- View Answer at http://bt.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/34710/c/346,412,1863
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