- Question
What are sub-accounts and how can I use them?
- Answer
Sub-accounts are extra email addresses, included at no extra cost to you. You can create up to ten sub-accounts.
You can give each sub-account its own parental controls access level, so each family member is safe.
Only the main account holder can create extra accounts. Follow these steps to add an account (or watch the video below):
- Go to www.bt.yahoo.com (opens in new window)
- Enter your main email address and password and click Sign In
- Click on My Account
- Click on Manage Sub Accounts in the list of quick links or the My Account & Billing tab at the top of the screen.
- You'll be asked to enter your email password again. Enter the password and click Continue
- Scroll down and click on Create New Sub-account button. If the button isn't there, it means you've already reached your maximum number of sub-accounts.
- Fill in the form and then click on Create Sub Account. You'll be told if the username you've chosen is already in use. When choosing your username try to be imaginative, perhaps adding a number at the end that you would easily remember
- The page that now appears will show the new account and give you the option to set up parental controls for this sub-account.
Watch our video on how to create a new email address by setting up a new sub-account:
Can I take the email address from my sub-account and use it to set up a new primary account?
Yes. You may want to do this, for example, if your email address was given to you by a parent on their primary account and you're now about to leave the family home. You can set up your own BT access account at your new home and take your existing email address with you.
Find out the difference between primary and sub-accounts
To upgrade your sub-account to a primary account just use the link below to contact the Technical Help Desk.
Contact the Technical Help Desk
We'll be able to set you up with a new access product (such as a Pay-as-you-go account) and switch your email address to that. We can also send you an installation disk so you can run the reinstall program, which will guide you through setting up.
If you want a broadband account you can set up a new Pay-as-you-go account as above and thenupgrade to a broadband access product.
To keep your email address, tick "Yes" when asked "Do you have a BT email address?"
Further information
I've forgotten the password or username for a sub-account
Setting up email with different email programs
- View Answer at http://bt.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/1148/c/346,412,413
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