Home / Product Selection / Internet / Email / What can I do if Outlook Express will not load from the web browser?
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What can I do if Outlook Express will not load from the web browser?
- Answer
If Outlook Express will not load from within a web browser when you click on an email link, it may not be set up correctly. Follow the procedure below to set up Outlook Express:
(You will need to restart your computer when you have finished, so please make sure you have saved any work before proceeding.)- Shut down Internet Explorer
- Click the main Windows [Start] button on your desktop
- Select Run and type: msimn.exe / reg
- Click [OK]
- If Outlook Express starts up, close it (by clicking the [X], top right).
- Restart your computer.
Further information
Troubleshooting other problems and errors for email
Email problems: using the error code to help fix a fault
If you are having problems with your Outlook 2003 to 2010, Outlook Express or Windows Mail email client you can use our troubleshooting wizard to fix many common problems.Email troubleshooting wizard
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