Home / Product Selection / Internet / Email / What's the difference between "client-based" email and webmail?
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    What's the difference between "client-based" email and webmail?

    • Answer
    • "Webmail" or "Web-based email" means that your BT Yahoo! Mail account is actually a website, providing easy access to your email from any computer in the world.

      Once you've connected to the Internet, you can simply visit www.bt.yahoo.com/webmail and sign in to access your email account.

      "Client-based email" refers to email sent and received using a program on your computer (such as Outlook Express, Outlook or Eudora). In this case once you have downloaded messages into the inbox of your email program they are stored locally on your computer. This means you can still read them easily even if your computer is not connected to the Internet.

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