Home / Product Selection / Internet / BT Infinity / Will I be able to keep my existing email address if I switch to BT Infinity?
- Question
Will I be able to keep my existing email address if I switch to BT Infinity?
- Answer
Yes, you can keep any BT email address (such as those ending in @btinternet.com or @btopenworld.com) that you now use.
If you're moving from another Internet service provider you can move all your messages, contacts and calendars to BT Yahoo! Mail using the free BT Yahoo! TrueSwitch service
If you want to carry on using the email address provided by your old Internet service provider, then you'll need to speak with them about this. They may charge you to keep your email address if you no longer use their broadband service.
If you use a free web-based email account such as Hotmail, Yahoo! or Gmail, then you'll be able to keep this and use it over your BT Infinity service.
- View Answer at http://bt.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/13735
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