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    Already got O2 Home Broadband?

    • Answer
    • If you're an existing O2 Home Broadband customer and decided to add a static IP address, you'll need to set this up manually instead. We'll send you the details you need in the post and via email.  


      You need to open the O2 Home Broadband advanced settings and enter this information. We've explained exactly what to do here – but please don't follow these instructions until you've received the details through the post.


      This guide will only work if you're using the O2 wireless box to connect to O2 Home Broadband. If you're using your own router then please consult the manufacturer's instructions.  


      Ready to go? Here's what you need to do:


      1. Open Microsoft Internet Explorer. - In Windows XP, click on the 'Start' button and choose 'Internet'.
      2. Type 'http://o2wirelessbox.lan' into Internet Explorer's address bar and press 'Enter'.
      3. The O2 Home Broadband advanced settings should load in Internet Explorer. If you have trouble accessing them, see the 'Related Links', below, for troubleshooting advice.
      4. A new window will open. Click 'Next'.
      5. You’ll see the text 'Select a service' with a list by it. Click 'Static IP' so it's highlighted in blue, and then click 'Next'.
      6. In the 'Static WAN IP Address' text box enter the 'Static IP address' that's printed on the letter we sent in your Welcome Pack.
      7. You don't need to change anything in the 'WAN NetMask' box.
      8. In the 'Gateway IP address' text box, enter the 'Default gateway' that's printed on the letter we sent you.
      9. Click 'Next'.
      10. The next window will contain two text boxes. You don't need to change anything here, so just click 'Next' again.
      11. You'll see a screen summarising the information you entered
      12. Click 'Start'. The O2 wireless box will restart itself.
      13. When the screen changes to say that 'You have successfully completed the SpeedTouch™ Easy Setup', click 'Finish'.


      That's it – you'll now be connected to O2 Home Broadband with your static IP address.

    • View Answer at http://service.o2.co.uk/IQ/SRVS/CGI-BIN/WEBCGI.EXE/,/?St=293,E=0000000003153568672,K=5916,Sxi=2,T=guruCase,VARSET_COBJID=24024,Problem=Obj(24024)
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