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    Connecting your PlayStation 3 with a cable

    • Answer
    • These instructions will help you connect your PlayStation 3 (PS3) to the Internet using a cable. You can go wireless too – to see how, read 'Connecting your PlayStation 3 wirelessly' above.

      Once you're connected, you can play games with other people online, browse the Internet and more.

      You'll need a standard Ethernet cable to connect your PS3 to the O2 wireless box. You can use the yellow Ethernet cable we sent you. If you're already using it to connect something else, most computer shops should be able to sell you an extra one. (It doesn't have to be yellow, unless you’re into colour coordination).

      The instructions assume that you’ve already connected to the Internet with your O2 wireless box, and you just want to add your PS3 to it.


      Is your PS3 switched off?


      Great. Now here’s what to do:


      1. Make sure the DSL/Broadband light on the O2 wireless box is lit green. If it’s not, the 'Related Links', below, explain what to check.

      2. Plug one end of the Ethernet cable into one of the yellow sockets on the back of the O2 wireless box.

      3. Plug the other end of the Ethernet cable into your PS3's network socket. This is the same shape as the yellow sockets on the O2 wireless box.

      4. Turn on your PS3.

        If everything's set up correctly, your PS3 will connect to the Internet automatically. You can check this once your PS3 has finished starting up:
      5. From the home menu, select 'Network Settings' under 'Settings'.

      6. Choose 'Internet Connection Settings'. If you see a message saying you'll be disconnected from the Internet, choose 'Yes'.

      7. Select 'Wired Connection'. You don't need to do this if your PS3 doesn't have wireless built in.

      8. Choose 'Easy'. You'll see a list of the basic settings.

      9. Choose to 'Save' these settings.

      10. Select 'Test Connection' and your PS3 will connect to the Internet. If it all works, you'll see some information about your network appear.


      Your PS3 is now connected to the Internet.




      If you need more help setting up your console, please refer to information from Sony. The 'Related Links', below, are a good place to start.


      What next?


      To start playing games online, you need to sign up for a free PLAYSTATION®Network account. You can do this from the home menu by choosing 'Friends' from the home menu and selecting 'Sign Up'.

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      PS3 support form Sony

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