- Question
How do I get Wi-Fi on my Mac?
- Answer
To use Wi-Fi on a Mac, you just need to have AirPort. Most Macs have it already. But if yours doesn’t, you can buy an AirPort Card from Apple.
To connect to Wi-Fi:
- Click on the AirPort icon on your Mac, at the top right of the screen.
- Choose ‘Turn AirPort on’ (if it says ‘Turn AirPort off’, it’s already on).
- Click on the AirPort icon again.
- Choose ‘Other’ (a new window will open).
- Where it says ‘Network name’, type in the long SSID number that’s printed on the bottom of your wireless box (or the name of the network you want to connect to).
- Where it says ‘Wireless Security’, choose ‘WEP 40/128-bit Hex’.
- Where it says ‘Encryption key’, type in the long WEP number on the bottom of the box (for some versions of Mac, you need to type a $ in at the start of the WEP key – if it won’t let you, you don’t need to).
- Click ‘OK’.
That’s it. Your Mac should now be connected. Check the AirPort icon to see the strength of your connection (the more dark bars, the stronger the signal).
Staying connected
To make sure your Mac automatically connects to your network again next time:
- Go to the Apple menu, on your Mac.
- Choose 'System preferences'.
- Choose 'Network'.
- From the ‘Show’ menu, choose ‘AirPort’.
- Where it says 'By default, join:’, choose 'Preferred networks'.
- Find the long SSID number that’s printed on the bottom of your box, and drag it to the top of the list.
- Click 'Apply Now'.
Now your Mac will automatically connect when you’re in range of your wireless box, and AirPort is switched on.
Call us on 0800 230 0202 free from a landline (drop the first '0' to call free from an O2 mobile). We’ll do our best to help, but you might have to contact Apple if the problem’s with your Mac.
View our interactive guide to get more support setting up and going wireless
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