- Question
How to secure your wireless network
- Answer
- The O2 wireless box comes with security features turned on as standard. This means your connection's secure from the minute you switch it on. People shouldn't be able to use your broadband without entering a password first, and everything you send over the network is hidden from prying eyes.
But if you're using your own router, or you just want some extra reassurance, here's what you need to do to keep your wireless network secure:Use encryptionYou should use encryption to stop unauthorised use of your network. The O2 wireless box has encryption switched on as standard.Check for updates
The O2 wireless box checks for and installs updates automatically.Change the passwordHide your networkYou can tell your wireless network to hide itself. If you do this, only people who know what network name to look for can connect.
For this to be effective you should also change the name of your network to something that's hard to guess.
As well as taking these precautions, you should have security software on every computer you use to access the Internet. McAfee Security for O2 Home Broadband, which comes with O2 Home Broadband, gives you all you need.View our interactive guide to get more support setting up and going wireless
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