- Question
Static IP addresses explained
- Answer
An IP address is an identifier giving you a location on the internet, and you will be assigned one each time you log on.
A static IP address means that instead of getting a different IP address each time you log on to the internet you will keep the same one.
This is useful if you are running a server from within your home, or if you have set up remote access from another location to your home PC. This is an optional extra and doesn't carry a general benefit for standard internet use.
If you would find a static IP address useful, we can add this to your account for an additional £5.11 per month charge to your regular O2 Home Broadband bill.
You can opt for this at the "sign-up" stage or after your service has gone live with us.
- View Answer at http://service.o2.co.uk/IQ/SRVS/CGI-BIN/WEBCGI.EXE/,/?St=293,E=0000000003153568672,K=5916,Sxi=2,T=guruCase,VARSET_COBJID=24024,Problem=Obj(24024)
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