Home / Product Selection / Internet / Set Up / how do I set up a wired connection to a Netgear DGN1000 router
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    how do I set up a wired connection to a Netgear DGN1000 router

    • Answer
    • ensure your service is activated


      Before you begin to set up the router ensure that your broadband connection has been activated. We will have sent you an email or text message to confirm this.


      If it has been more than 10 days since you registered for broadband and you haven’t received a confirmation from us contact our Customer Support department who will investigate this for you.



      check you have everything you need


      All boxes should contain the following items:

      • N150 Wireless Modem Router

      • AC power adapter

      • Ethernet cable (Cat 5)

      • Broadband cable (RJ-11)

      • Broadband filter (microfilter) x 2

      • Orange branded setting up guide


      step 1  - connecting the cables


      1. Unplug all equipment connected to your phone line – this is just to make sure that nothing disrupts the set-up.

      2. Plug the grey broadband cable into the grey socket labelled ADSL on the back of the router:

      3. Plug the other end of the broadband cable into the ADSL socket of the broadband filter:

        Plug the broadband filter into your phone socket:

      4. Plug one end of the yellow Ethernet cable into any of the yellow Ethernet sockets on the router:


      5. Plug the other end of the Ethernet socket into the Ethernet socket on the computer:


      6. Plug the power adapter into the power socket on the router:


      7. Plug the power adapter into a working power socket and ensure it’s turned on.

      8. Plug the other end into a mains socket near the router and make sure it’s turned on


      9. Double check that all cables have been connected correctly:


      10. If the router’s lights don’t come on, switch it on by pushing in the Power ON/OFF switch, then wait about a minute until the Power light and DSL light are solid green:

      step 2  - check for a working connection


      • Once the router has been powered up, you’ll see a sequence of lights on the router.
      • After about a minute the lights will settle down and you should see that:
        • The power light is solid green.
        • One of the LAN ports solid green.
        • The DSL light will be solid green.



      • You can find more information on what the lights mean on your router here.
      • If you see this screen check the cables are all set up correctly - see Step 1 for more information
      • If you don’t see this light sequence contact us and we’ll take you through the rest of the installation process.



      step 3 – connect the router to the Internet


      At this point during the installation you’ve established that your computer is speaking to the router and that the router can detect a broadband signal through your telephone line.


      You now need to get your router to connect to the broadband signal that is being sent to your telephone line.

      1. Open a browser, eg Internet Explorer  Safari  or Firefox .

      2. In the address bar, type or http://www.routerlogin.com.

      3. A log in window (similar to the one below) will prompt you to log into the router’s admin pages – enter the details below:

        user name: admin
        password: password


      4. The Netgear SMARTWIZARD admin pages will open:


      1. Every time you log into the admin pages the Firmware Upgrade assistant will check for a new version of Firmware

      2. We recommend you allow this check to take place as it may help reduce potential problems at a later date.

      3. Or if you wish to do this at a later date press skip.

      4. Click Basic Settings under the ‘Setup’ menu:


      5. In the Login field, enter the broadband username – letters should be entered in lower case, and remember to add @fs at the end.

       If you have the Pre-configured Netgear DGN 1000 router you will see a wireless settings sticker at bottom of the router. WiFi security key and SSID is printed on this sticker. The broadband username and password are pre-configured on the router before they are shipped out. This means that you don't need to enter the broadband username and password, unless the router is returned to factory default settings..

      1. You will have chosen these details at registration and we will have confirmed them by email – if you’re unsure of these details contact our Customer Support department

      2. In the password field, enter the broadband password.


      Click Apply and wait for the page to refresh.


      Step 4  - set up wireless security


      You now need to set up the wireless security settings on the router. Ensure you make a note of the details you choose as you will need these to set up the wireless connection or connect wirelessly to your router.


      1. Select Wireless Settings from the Setup menu:


      2. In the ‘Wireless Network’ field:

      3. change the SSID name to something other than NETGEAR, and unique i.e. Orange58647 or your preferred option of 32 alphanumeric characters

      4. set the region to Europe

      5. set the channel to Auto

      6. set ‘Mode’ to Up to 150Mbps

      7. In the Wireless Access Point field:

      • ensure that ‘Enable Wireless Access Point’ is checked (unless the customer doesn’t want a wireless connection)

      • ensure that ‘Allow Broadcast of Name (SSID) is check

      • ensure that ‘Wireless Isolation’ is not checked


      1. In the ‘Security Options’ field, select the option ‘Mixed WPA-PSK+WPA2-PSK:

       If you've received a Netgear DGN 1000 router after 05 May 2011, then you'll have the Pre-configured Netgear DGN 1000 router. These routers can be identified by the presence of a wireless settings sticker at bottom of the router. WiFi security is enabled by default on a Pre-Configured Netgear DGN 1000 router - the default mode is Mixed WPA/WPA2 to maximize compatibility with different operating systems. WiFi security key and SSID are located at the bottom of the router.

      1. In the ‘Network Key’ field, enter a security key for the connection – this should be over 8 characters and can be made up of upper and lower case letters from a-z and numbers 0-9.


      1. Once complete, select Apply – the page will refresh and new settings will be visible.

      2. You can now go on to set up a wireless connection between your computer and the router

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