Home / Product Selection / Internet / Set Up / how to identify which operating system your computers using
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    how to identify which operating system your computers using

    • Answer
    • Windows 7

      If you have a circular 'Start' button that remains within the task bar, you're using Windows 7.

      Windows 7 'Start' button

      Windows Vista

      If you have a circular 'Start' button that rises above the task bar, you're using Windows Vista:

      Windows Vista 'Start' button

      For instructions to find the specification and service pack installed, click here.

      Windows XP

      If you have a green start button as below, you're using Windows XP

      Windows XP 'Start' button

      For instructions to find the specification and service pack installed, click here.


      If you have any other type of start button (similar to below), you could be using any of the versions of Windows, above Windows 95.

      Windows 'Start' button

      To find which version you're using:

      1. Click the Start button:
      2. The version of the operating system will be displayed - in the example below, the computer's using Windows 2000.

      For instructions to find the specification and service pack installed, click here.

    • View Answer at http://help.orange.co.uk/orangeuk/support/personal/233767/2
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