- Question
how to set up Outlook 2010 to access Orange email
- Answer
Before setting up Outlook 2010 you'll need to make sure your computer's connected to the internet. To do this, check if you can view the Orange home page. If you have problems, we suggest you fix a problem with your internet connection first.
step 1 - open Outlook 2010 and add an email account
- From your 'Start' Menu, select Outlook 2010 - you may need to click All Programs, thenWindows Live first.
- Outlook 2010 will open:
- Depending on whether you've opened Outlook 2010 on your computer profile before, you'll be presented with 1 of 2 options.
option 1 - never opened Outlook 2010 before
If you've never opened Outlook 2010 on your computer, the Microsoft Outlook 2010 Startup wizard will open.
- Click Next:
- Click Next again:
You can now go to step 2 in this article for more instructions.
option 2 - Outlook has previously been opened
If Outlook has been previously opened, you'll be take to the Outlook Home screen. To set up a new email account:
- Select the 'File' tab, and click on Add Account:
You can now go to step 2 in this article for more instructions.
step 2 - enter your email settings
- Select to 'Manually configure server settings...'
- Select 'Internet E-mail' and click Next:
- Enter the details below:
- Your Name: enter this as you wish it to appear on emails your send, i.e. Firstname, or Firstname Surname.
- E-mail Address: your email address that you chose when registering to Orange, e.g.mail@yourname.orangehome.co.uk
- Account Type: select POP3
- Incoming mail server: pop.orangehome.co.uk
- Outgoing mail server (SMTP): smtp.orangehome.co.uk
- User Name: the account name that you chose when registering, e.g. yourname.orangehome.co.uk
- Password: YourPassword (case sensitive) - we suggest you select 'Remember this password'
- Remember password: we suggest you select to remember password
- Require login using Secure Password Authentication (SPA): don't check this optionIf you've previously set up Outlook, you may want your messages to be delivered to your existing inbox. You can do this in the 'Deliver new messages to' field, by selecting 'Existing Outlook Data File', then clicking on Browse and selecting the required file.
- Click Next:
- Outlook will test the settings you've entered by sending and receiving a test email from your account. Once the tests are complete, you can click Close:
- The 'Congratulations' screen will confirm that you've successfully setup your account - click Finish:
- You'll be taken to your Outlook 2010 inbox, where any new mails sent to your account will download to your inbox:
step 3 - check your email account is working
If you'd like to double-check your email account is working, try sending yourself a message? To do this:
- Select the 'Home' tab, and then click Email message:
- Type your email address in the 'To:' field.
- Type a message subject and quick message:
- Click Send:
- Wait a few moments, then click Send/Receive:
- Your message will download into your inbox:
That's it - Outlook 2010 is now set up to receive your Orange emails.
- From your 'Start' Menu, select Outlook 2010 - you may need to click All Programs, thenWindows Live first.
- View Answer at http://help.orange.co.uk/orangeuk/support/personal/597039
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