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    troubleshoot a problem with your SpeedTouch 121g wireless adaptor - green, or yellow icon, green do

    • Answer
    • green, or yellow icon, green dot

      If the status icon is green or yellow, it indicates that adapter is connected to the Livebox.

      Dark Green - Signal Strength 75 - 100%


      Light Green - Signal Strength 50 - 75%

      Yellow - Below 50%


      As a test, we suggest that you check if you can see the page below:

      http://configuration.adsl or

      If you can, your adapter is connected to the Livebox correctly.

      If the @ light on your Livebox is solid red, you should be able to view web pages, for example our home page.

      If the light is not solid red, you'll find more information in our basic Livebox diagnostics article.

      If you're still experiencing problems, the steps below may help:

      is the icon solid green or yellow?

      Check that you've not confused the status with an icon that changes to from green or yellow, to red, as below:

      If you click on the icon to open the USB monitor, and click on Link Information, you may also find that the 'Base Station Name ID' alternates between 00:00:00:00:00:00 and the Mac address of your Livebox.

      If this is the case, you'll find more help here.

      If this doesn't fix your problem, you'll find more help in the article below:

    • View Answer at http://help.orange.co.uk/orangeuk/support/personal/230209
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