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    Find your broadband speed

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    • The Access Line or Connection speed is the speed of your Broadband connection between the local telephone exchange and the Sky wireless router - this is the speed that Sky Broadband is able to provide into your home rather than the actual speeds that you experience when using the internet. 

      When you purchase Sky Broadband, we will provide you with an Estimated Access Line Speed (Connection/Download) that your line can support and confirm this by letter. You can also view your speed estimate by signing in to My Sky and selecting My Broadband

      To check the Actual Access Line Speed of your broadband connection, open a web browser window (e.g. Internet Explorer), enter in the address bar, and press Return. In the login box, enter the username admin and the password sky. You will then see a screen which shows your Sky Broadband Access Line (Connection) speeds. 

      Ofcom Code of Practice 

      Making sure that we set an accurate expectation with our customers around broadband speeds is a key element of the Ofcom Code of Practice. The full Code of Practice is available on Ofcom's website, or you can read the full Code Of Practice: Broadband Speeds by downloading our PDF of this document (requires Adobe Reader or similar).

    • View Answer at http://www.sky.com/helpcentre/broadband/speed-and-connection-problems/understand-your-speed/find-your-broadband-speed/
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