Home / Product Selection / Internet / Set Up / How do I Install the 585v6 Wireless Router manually?
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    How do I Install the 585v6 Wireless Router manually?

    • Answer
    • This answer only applies to ex-Tiscali customers who originally signed up with Tiscali, but have now joined us as TalkTalk members

      To enter the web admin for your 585 wireless router, open a browser window (Internet explorer or equivalent) and type into the address bar or click here.

      This will open the Speedtouch web admin screen. If this screen does not open then you do not have an active connection to the router. If you are running in wired mode, ensure your Ethernet cable is connected to port 1 on the router. If you are running on a wireless connection, double check your wireless connection is connecting correctly, to prove the router is operational try connecting via a wired connection with the supplied RJ45 lead.

      At the bottom of this screen is a section to 'Pick a task…'

      From this menu select 'Set Up'

      This will open the Speedtouch Easy Setup Wizard.

      Click 'Next' to start the wizard.

      The next screen will detail the settings for the broadband connection. The default service will setup the router correctly for TalkTalk broadband.

      Click the 'Next' button to accept these settings.

      The next screen that opens will display the default VPI/VCI (0.38) and Connection Type (PPPoA).

      Enter your username and your password in the relevant areas.

      Then click the 'Next' button.

      This will open the next screen detailing the settings you have entered that will be stored by the router.

      Review the details, if you find anything is incorrect click the back button and correct the information.
      The key elements to ensure are correct are the VPI/VCI, the connection type and that your username is correct.

      Once you are happy with the contents click the 'Start' button.
      The setup wizard will now write those settings to the routers memory.

      Once this action has been completed the following screen will be displayed.

      Click finish to complete the wizard.

      You should now be able to connect to the Internet.

    • View Answer at http://help.talktalk.co.uk/app/answers/detail/a_id/557
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