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    How do I set up my TalkTalk email in Outlook 2007?

    • Answer
    • If you've already created a TalkTalk email address and you'd like to use Microsoft Outlook 2007 to send, receive and manage your TalkTalk emails, this guide will help you.

      What is Microsoft Outlook 2007?

      Outlook 2007 is an email application created by Microsoft that can be configured to manage multiple email account types, including TalkTalk email, on your computer. Normally installed as part of the Microsoft Office 2007 package, it is the most current version of Outlook on the market.

      Outlook 2007 is the full version of Outlook and should not be confused with Outlook Express, which is a free version with limited features. You can find a guide for using Outlook Express with TalkTalk email at: How do I set up my TalkTalk email in Outlook Express?

      Before you start

      Before you start setting up your TalkTalk email in Outlook 2007, please ensure that you:

      Setting up your TalkTalk email in Outlook 2007

      If this is your first time using Outlook 2007, it will automatically run through the steps to set up an email account.

      Note: If this is not your first time using Outlook 2007, you'll need to navigate to the account configuration screens yourself. Please see the steps at the end of this page to find out how to do this.

      If this is your first time using Outlook 2007, follow these steps to set up your TalkTalk email account:

      1. Click the Start globe in the bottom left-hand corner of your screen, then select All ProgramsMicrosoft Office, and Microsoft Office Outlook 2007.
      2. When you see the Outlook 2007 Startup screen, click Next.

        Outlook 2007 Startup screen
      3. Select Yes to configure your email account and click Next.

        Outlook 2007 Account Configuration screen
      4. Tick the box labelled Manually configure server settings or additional server types at the bottom of the Auto Account Setup screen and click Next.

        Outlook 2007 Add New E-Mail Account screen
      5. Select Internet E-mail and click Next.

        Outlook 2007 Add New E-Mail Account screen
      6. Enter your name as you would like it to appear in emails you send into the Your Name box and enter and your TalkTalk email address into the E-Mail Address box.
        Note: Your TalkTalk email address ends with @talktalk.net, for example,emailaddress@talktalk.net. Please ensure that you don't enter any spaces and that the email address is exactly as you created it.
      7. Select POP3 from the Account Type drop-down list.
      8. Enter mail.talktalk.net into the Incoming mail server box.
      9. Enter smtp.talktalk.net into the Outgoing mail server (SMTP) box.
      10. Enter your TalkTalk email address into the User Name box and enter your password into the Password box. Then click Next.
        Note: This is the same email address that you entered in step 6 above. Please ensure that you don't enter any spaces and that the email address is exactly as you created it. The password is the email password that you created when you set up your TalkTalk email account.

        Outlook 2007 Add New E-Mail Account screen
      11. Click Finish.

        Outlook 2007 Congratulations screen

      Outlook 2007 is now set up to send and receive your TalkTalk emails. You can send yourself an email to check if it's working correctly.

      It's not my first time using Outlook 2007

      If you've used Outlook 2007 before, the application won't automatically run through the steps to set up your email account. You'll need to navigate to the account configuration screens yourself. To do this, follow these steps:

      1. Open Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 and select the Tools menu at the top of the screen. Then select Account Settings.

        Outlook 2007 screenshot
      2. Ensure that the E-mail tab is selected (the title should say E-Mail Accounts). Then clickNew…. This will initiate the account configuration screens and you can follow the steps above to add your TalkTalk email account.

        Outlook 2007 screenshot

      You can get further help on this and other topics at the TalkTalk Absolute Beginners forum.

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