Home / Product Selection / Internet / Set Up / Setting up your Huawei EchoLife HG520s
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    Setting up your Huawei EchoLife HG520s

    • Answer
    • Follow the steps below to set up your Huawei HG520s router and get connected.

      Huawei HG520s

      Before you start

      Before you set up your router, please ensure that:

      • Your router is connected to your computer via an Ethernet cable.
      • You have your TalkTalk broadband username and password to hand. You'll need these to complete step 9 below. You can find these details in your welcome letter. If you don't have your welcome letter, you can call 0870 0875 562 to retrieve your details. This call is free from your TalkTalk landline.
        Note: You must call this number from your TalkTalk landline for security reasons. If you call from another number you will be unable to retrieve your TalkTalk broadband username and password.
      • Your router is connected to the phone socket via a microfilter and your cables and connections are set up as they are here:
        Correct physical connections

      Setting up your Huawei EchoLife HG520s router

      Follow these steps to set up your Huawei HG520s router:

      1. Open a web browser such as Internet Explorer, Firefox or Safari.
      2. Type into the Address bar and press Enter on your keyboard.
        Note: Do not type www.

        Address bar in Internet Explorer

      3. You will be asked to enter a username and password. These details are for your router. They are NOT your TalkTalk broadband username and password. Enter admin in both the User Name and Password boxes. Then click OK.
      4. Click Basic on the left-hand side of the screen.

        Basic option

      5. Select WAN Setting.

        WAN Setting option

      6. Set VPI to 0 and VCI to 38.
      7. Select Yes from the Active drop-down list, and select Routing from the Mode drop-down list.
      8. Select PPPoA from the Encapsulation drop-down list and select VC from the Multiplex drop-down list.
      9. Enter your TalkTalk broadband username into the Username box and your password into the Password box. You can find these details in your welcome letter. If you don't have your welcome letter, please call 0870 0875 562 to retrieve your details. You must call this number from your TalkTalk landline. If you call from another number you will be unable to retrieve your details. This call is free of charge.

        Username and Password boxes

      10. Under IP Address, set Default Route and NAT to Enable, and then select Set Obtain an IP Address Automatically.
      11. Under MTU Options, set MTU to 1432 and set RIP to Disable.
      12. Click Submit at the bottom of the page.

        Submit button

      13. In the Address bar, type www.talktalk.co.uk and press Enter on your keyboard.

        Address bar in Internet Explorer

      That's it - you're connected to the internet. Enjoy using your TalkTalk broadband.

    • View Answer at http://help.talktalk.co.uk/app/answers/detail/a_id/1411
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