- Question
Unable to connect to the internet
- Answer
If you're unable to connect to the internet, there is a simple way to determine what may be causing the problem - looking at the DSL light on your router. This light provides information about your broadband signal.
If the DSL light is flashing or off then your router is not receiving a broadband signal. This could indicate a problem with your physical connections or telephone line.
If the DSL light is on or flickering then you are getting a broadband signal. If this is the case but you still can't connect, the problem lies elsewhere. For example, incorrect settings on your router or a firewall blocking the connection. If your DSL light is on and you can connect with a cable, but are having problems with your wireless connection, please see: I'm unable to connect wirelessly.
For step-by-step instructions on how to resolve the problem, check the status of your DSL light:
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