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    Why can’t I connect to the Internet?

    • Answer
    • If you can’t connect to the Internet, here’s a checklist to help you diagnose the problem.

      1. Check to see if there's a known fault with the service

      If we know of any reasons why the service may be temporarily unavailable (eg because of planned maintenance), we'll publish them on our service status page. Check this out first.

      2. Try to connect to another web site

      If you can connect to other web sites, the problem is with the particular web site that returned the error message. Double check that you have the right web site address, and have spelt it correctly, then click on Why can't I connect to a particular web site.

      3. Check and restart your computer and broadband equipment

      Can't access any web sites? As a basic check, make sure that all power leads and cables and in place and securely connected.

      Are you using a modem and router? Try disconnecting your computer from the router, restarting the modem, and then connecting your computer direct to the modem. If you still can't connect, restart both the modem and your computer.

      If you're not sure in what order to reboot, click on How to check and restart the modem and broadband equipment.

      Are you using the Virgin Media Hub or Super Hub? Check out one of these articles for details on how to restart:

      Troubleshooting the Virgin Media Hub

      Troubleshooting the Virgin Media Super Hub

      4. Check the lights

      The lights on your modem or Virgin Media Hub can help you to diagnose a problem with your broadband connection. Each piece of equipment is different - so click on your broadband equipment type from the list below to find out more:

      3Com CMX modem
      3Com Tailfin modem
      Motorola SURFboard modem – models 3100/4100/4200/5100
      Ntl:home modem – models 100/120/200
      Ntl 250 modem
      Pace set top box
      Samsung set top box
      Scientific Atlanta WebSTAR modem – models DPX100/DPX110/EPC2100
      Terayon Terajet modem
      Virgin Media 255/256 modem

      Virgin Media Hub

      Virgin Media Super Hub

      5. Are you using wireless?

      If you're connected over wireless using a router or similar device, follow the steps in our How do I troubleshoot my wireless connection?

      If you're connected over wireless using the Virgin Media Hub or Super Hub, follow the steps in our Troubleshooting the Virgin Media Hub orTroubleshooting the Virgin Media Super Hub article.

      If you're not using wireless, or the article didn't solve your problem, go on to step 6.

      6. Check your computer's IP address

      The next step is to check your IP address, and make sure that you're recognised as a Virgin Media customer and can communicate over the Internet. How you do this depends on your operating system - choose yours from the list below:

      • Windows 7 users, click here to carry out this check
      • Windows Vista users, click here to carry out this check
      • Windows XP users, click here to carry out this check
      • Mac users, click here to carry out this check
      • Windows 2000, 98 or ME users, click here to carry out this check

      The article you link to will take you through the rest of the checks you need to make.

      Need help with equipment or services not supplied by us?

      If you're still having trouble connecting to the Internet, and our technical support staff can't help because we didn't supply the equipment causing the problem,  why not call Digital Home Support on 0800 014 7398, and speak to one of our technical experts?

    • View Answer at http://help.virginmedia.com/system/selfservice.controller
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