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Moving Home with TalkTalk
Taking your phone and broadband with you when you move couldn’t be easier and with our free Home Movers connection fee it couldn’t be better value either.
It only takes one phone call - We make sure our friendly Home Movers Team are on hand to get you up and running as smoothly as possible and we aim to get you set up in just 2-3 weeks!*
We also thought we’d help you out with our easy step-by-step guide to answer any questions you may have about moving home with TalkTalk.
Step 1. Choose your new TalkTalk package
One of our top tips is to make a list of your current package and the services you want in your new home before calling us, that way we can set up your home move as quickly as possible.
Here’s a short checklist to help you out:
- The full address and postcode of your new home
- Your moving date
- Your mobile or preferred contact number and email address – so we can keep you up to date
- Details of your current package
- The package you would like to have in your new home – you can chose TalkTalk Essentials orTalkTalk Plus
- Any Boosts you require – please visit our Boosts Guide for a full list of boosts available.
- Whether your new home already has a BT master socket and if you have a picture of what it looks like. If you are not sure, don’t worry – our Home Movers Team will be able to help you find this out
Step 2. Let us know
Try to contact us at least 14 days before your move so that we can transfer your services smoothly. We know this is not always possible so we will be able to tell you how long it will take to move your service when you contact us.
You can contact our Home Movers Team by calling 0870 444 1820 free from your TalkTalk landline and selecting option 4 or you can fill in our Contact Us Form online.
Moving your TalkTalk package to your new home is free and our Home Movers Team will talk you through any questions you have, including package options, price changes to your new contract and whether you need an engineer visit. They will also confirm the date your service will be switched on.
Step 3. Let us do the rest
Now you can sit back, relax and let us take care of the rest. We know moving home is a busy time, so we’ve made sure that:
- You will be kept up to date by text or email
- We aim to activate your phone and broadband within 2-3 weeks of your order*
- We send you a Welcome Pack when you move with a guide to getting set up in your new home
- We are always here to help – you can contact us by calling 0870 444 1820 free from your TalkTalk landline and selecting option 4
- View More: TalkTalk Moving Home with TalkTalk
How do I track my order?
If you want to check if you have gone live or when you will go live, you can call our automated order tracker FREE on 0800 049 7971.
It's really simple, all you need to do is:
- Dial 0800 049 7971
- Enter your home phone number using your phone keypad
- The order tracker will then let you know the progress of your order and give you the date that your TalkTalk service will go live (there's no queuing or waiting - it's very quick!)
- View More: TalkTalk How do I track my order?
What is 'My BT?' Where's Your Account?
"Your account" is changing to "My BT". My BT has everything you need online - you can view and download your bills 24/7, manage all your services, track your orders, get the latest offers and help - and much more.
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- View More: BT What is 'My BT?' Where's Your Account?
How to Cancel or downgrade
If you wish to leave Sky, you will need to provide 31 days notice, please check your Terms and Conditions or speak to one of our advisors if you're not sure whether your minimum contract period has expired. Please call Sky Customer Services on 08442 410 266 (UK) or 0818 719 819 (Rep. of Ireland) as you are unable to complete this process online.
If you don't want to leave Sky, but you're not happy with your current package, we may be able help you choose channels and services that are right for you and your budget.
If you're happy with your current TV subscription but want to see more of the programmes you love, see My Sky for personalised recommendations, Sky Anytime, Remote Record, Never Miss and more.
If you're not happy with your telephone or internet service, we can help you get more from these products and fix common problems. We can, for example, see if we can help you improve a slow wireless broadband connection and help you get the best speeds possible. For tips and fixes for common technical problems, visit our dedicated help sections for Sky Talk and Sky Broadband.
- View More: Sky How to Cancel or downgrade
Sky Contact Details - I want to cancel
Phone us
Our call centres are open 24/708442 410 266
0818 719 819
For full details of call and connection charges to 0844 numbers in the UK and 0818 numbers in the Republic of Ireland with Sky Talk, please see www.sky.com/callpricing
Charges for calls from other networks and mobile phones may vary. Please note that calls may be monitored or recorded for training purposes.
- View More: Sky Sky Contact Details - I want to cancel
All about excessive usage
Standard, Premium and Pro packages. You can download or upload as much as you like each month – within reason. Like most other broadband providers, we have a policy on fair use. The policy is there to stop people overloading the system. And slowing it down for everyone else. You won't have any problem downloading films and music or watching videos online. But if you download large files at peak times every day, we might ask you to cut down. And if you keep overdoing it, we could close your account.
Access. There’s a monthly download limit of 20GB if you joined on or after 14th July 2010. If you joined before this date, there is no limit on monthly network usage. But if we feel that your activities are so excessive that other customers are detrimentally affected, we may give you a written warning (by email or otherwise). In extreme circumstances, if the levels of activity do not immediately decrease after the warning, we may terminate or suspend your Services.
The Basics. If you’ve signed up to The Basics package, there’s a 20GB monthly usage allowance. If you use more than 20GB in any month, we’ll give you a written warning (by email or otherwise). In extreme circumstances, if the levels of activity don’t decrease in line with our instructions after the warning, we may terminate or suspend your Services.
The All Rounder & The Works. You can download as much as you like up to a fair usage limit of around 100GB for the All Rounder or around 250GB for The Works. If you exceed these limits, or we feel that your activities are so excessive that other customers are detrimentally affected, we may give you a written warning (by email or otherwise). In extreme circumstances, if the levels of activity don’t immediately decrease in line with our instructions after the warning, we may terminate or suspend your Services.
How do we measure your usage on The Basics, The All Rounder and The Works packages?
We monitor your usage every billing month. You can get an indication of how much data you’ve downloaded (apart from our Access product) in your online account ato2.co.uk/MyBroadband. There are also hints and tips for keeping down usage that can be accessed from here, and on the help section of our Website.
I've been told to use less broadband. What should I do?
Try to download and upload less. Here are some activities that use a lot of bandwidth:- Peer-to-peer software (like BitTorrent).
- File sharing programs often run in the background without you knowing. So turn off the 'auto start' setting. And if yours lets you set a maximum download speed, choose 'low'.
- BBC iPlayer: use the newest version – it uses less bandwidth.
- What else is going on in your house? Is someone else overdoing it? Ask everyone to use a bit less.
If you need further information on controlling your usage, go to:http://www.o2.co.uk/broadband/usage/
- View More: O2 All about excessive usage
What are the technical details of your traffic management?
Our Access package:
We optimise our Access network by traffic type. During the busiest times of day (typically the afternoon and evening) we shape Peer to Peer (P2P) traffic to a maximum throughput of 50kbps. This will limit P2P traffic during peak time and free up capacity on our links.
Additionally, to give priority to traffic that most customers just can't wait for we have applied a Quality of Service (QoS) queuing system to prioritise traffic. That means streaming traffic gets ahead of browsing which in turn gets ahead of P2P. This will be applied during peak times from 11am-1am.
Our other packages, The Basics, The All Rounder and The Works:On these packages, traffic management works optimising the speed based on certain activities only: video/ streaming and Peer to Peer (file sharing/ downloads). Basically, the higher the package, the higher the speed you should get on these activities. See the table below for more details. All other types of web use (including web browsing, email and numerous other ways of using the internet) are not traffic managed on these packages.
Of course all this depends on what line speed you get to start with. For example, if in the house where you live your line can only ever get 4 meg, then you won’t be able to benefit from the up to 8 meg speed streaming speed on The All Rounder. Since your overall line speed is lower than the ‘optimised’ speed for streaming on this package.
So when picking the package that’s right for you, it’s a good idea to consider not only how these packages are ‘optimised’ by speed, but what is the actual line speed you’re getting at home.
Day Part
The Basics
The All Rounder
The Works
Streaming/ video activities (eg iPlayer, youtube)
All Times
800 kbits/s (kb/s)
8 Mbits/s (Mb/s)
as fast as your line can support
Peer to Peer activities (e.g. file downloads)
Off peak:
00.00-16.00 weekdays/ 00.00-12.00 weekends100 kbits/s (kb/s)
250 kbits/s (kb/s)
as fast as your line can support
Peak/ Times of congestion:
16.00 - 00.00 weekdays/ 12.00-00.00 weekends50 kbits/s (kb/s)
100 kbits/s (kb/s)
250 kbits/s (kb/s)
So what’s all this about kilobits and megabytes?
When we talk about speed (or sometimes called ‘throughput’) of connection, the unit of measurement is called a ‘kilobits per second’. Kilobits per second (kbits/s) are what make up the larger unit of measurement, called a Megabits per second (Mbits/s; 1000kbits/s = 1Mbit/s).
Let’s take an example on the larger unit of measurement, the Mbits/s, and what it means in the real world.
Say you want to stream a video. For an ‘SD’ video you should get a decent streaming experience with an 800 kbits/s (equivalent to 0.8 Mbits/s) connection speed. But say you want to stream some HD content, you’ll generally need a bit more connection speed for a good experience. Something in the range of 3.7 Mbits/s (equivalent to 3700 kbits/s) to 6 Mbits/s (equivalent to 6000 kbits/s) is good for this.
- View More: O2 What are the technical details of your traffic management?
Why does O2 need to manage traffic on the Access package for O2 Home Broadband?
Our broadband network gets clogged up at rush hours, just like real roads. A lot of that congestion comes from people downloading large files (movies, TV shows and music) and using peer to peer programs and newsgroup services.
This makes it slower for other people to do things like email, look at websites, watch things on BBC iPlayer and YouTube or use programs like Skype or Messenger.
All we're doing is encouraging people to download large files and use peer to peer programs and newsgroups when there's less traffic, to help our broadband flow better.
- View More: O2 Why does O2 need to manage traffic on the Access package for O2 Home Broadband?
What does ‘peer to peer’ (or P2P) mean?
Peer to peer is a way of sharing files with other people. Mostly music, video and games. Instead of downloading things from a website, you can download and share files by connecting directly to other people’s computers. If you’ve heard people talking about BitTorrent, Gnutella or KaZaA, they’re all examples of peer to peer.
If you use peer to peer, make sure you don’t download or share anything that’s copyright protected or illegal. And try to do it at non-peak times like late night, for faster speeds.
They're basically discussion groups about a particular topic. They're not news sites like BBC News or Sky News.
These are some of the popular newsgroup services:
- View More: O2 What does ‘peer to peer’ (or P2P) mean?
Why does O2 manage traffic on The Basics, The All Rounder and The Works packages on home broadband?
We think it’s important that most people are able to do what it is they want to do online, as far as possible. That’s different for all us.
But by managing different types of traffic across the network, in different ways by package, we’re trying to get to a balance between those people who just want to do a few more basic things on line (we have an ideal package for that, The Basics), or those wanting to a lot more in the way of video (The All Rounder) or those people who want do it all such as movies and online gaming (The Works).
So each of these packages is more suited, because of how the traffic is managed, to these different needs.
In managing traffic in this way, we also look to ensure a more balanced use of the network for all. Since just a few people using huge amounts of data can really affect the experience of everyone else using the network; who may just want to do something much more simple (like check their email, or browse a few websites).
All this also helps create clearer choice for you. So you’re less likely to end up paying for either a really high-spec package when your online needs are more basic, or for a simpler package when you really would rather have (and are prepared to pay for) a package for more intensive web use.
- View More: O2 Why does O2 manage traffic on The Basics, The All Rounder and The Works packages on home broadband?
How do I get my broadband username and password?
You can find your username and password in your TalkTalk welcome letter. Your username is usually your broadband telephone number, followed by @talktalk.net. For example,02079460009@talktalk.net.
Don't worry if you don't have your welcome letter to hand. You can dial call our free automated service on 0870 0875 562 at any time of the day or night to access your details. You must call this number from your TalkTalk landline
- View More: TalkTalk How do I get my broadband username and password?
I haven't received the username and password for my router or modem
We'll send you a letter confirming your username and password before the date your service is due to go live. If you selected a TalkTalk modem or wireless router, your username and password are programmed into the equipment before it's delivered to you.
If you haven't received your username and password or you've lost your details, you can call our automated line 0870 0875 562 at any time of the day or night to retrieve them.
- View More: TalkTalk I haven't received the username and password for my router or modem
How do I order a Boost on My Account?
If you wish to order any of the Boosts available for your account, you can do so online in My Account. Follow the instructions below to activate a Boost:
- Go to Manage services in My Account and login.
- The monthly charge for each boost is listed next to it. Tick the Boosts that you want to add to your account.
- Click Update.
- You will be presented with a screen displaying the changes you have just made and the new charges to your account. Click Confirm when you are sure these are the changes you want to make.
Any changes you make will be active within 2 calendar days, however in some cases this may take longer. The boost will be visible on your next bill and will include a part-month charge for the features you have selected, plus the full charge for the coming month.
If we are unable to provision the Boost from the start of the billing period, you will be charged the prorated amount. You must give 48hrs notice to remove a Boost prior to the end of the 30-day billing period that applies to your account. Notice received after the monthly cut-off time will be actioned at the end of your next billing period.
All Boosts have minimum duration of 30 days at a time. Once added, you will continue to receive the Boost until you opt-out or your contract ends.
If you have recently moved house or received a new phone line, the line will need to go live before the Boost can be activated.
You can change your Boosts via MyAccount at talktalk.co.uk/myaccount
- View More: TalkTalk How do I order a Boost on My Account?
What is the Fair Usage Policy?
See below for information about the different download limits on TalkTalk, our Fair Usage Policy (FUP), and steps on how to track your download usage. For more details please see ourFair Usage Policy.
I am on the TalkTalk Essentials package, how much can I download?
With TalkTalk Essentials you have a generous usage limit of 40 GB per month. This means you can download anything up to 40 GB per month without incurring any additional costs or charges.
How much is 40 GB - what can I get with this?
Although exact quantifying is difficult as it depends on a variety of different factors, 40 GB per month represents a substantial amount of internet usage. Based on average file sizes, your 40 GB usage cap can approximately give you one of the below:
- 10,000 average web pages
- 500 digital pictures
- 500 digital music tracks
- 20 hours of YouTube usage
- 20 hours of iPlayer usage
- 30 hours of Spotify usage
During an average month most Essential customers will do a combination of the above - mostly surfing, some iPlayer and a little downloading. All of this counts towards the 40 GB limit. Remember the limit applies to your entire household, rather than to an individual user, so if you have lots of internet users in the home your usage is likely to be higher.
What is MB, GB& TB?
MB = Megabyte
GB = Gigabyte
TB = Terabyte
8 Bits = 1 Byte
1024 Bytes = 1 KiloByte
1024 KiloBytes = 1 MegaByte
1024 MegaBytes = 1 GigaByte
1024 GigaBytes = 1 TeraBytes
How do I know how much I am using?
You can check your monthly usage by logging in to My Account and selecting broadband usage.
Note: If you are not using My Account, yet you can register for My Account and enjoy many benefits including free online billing.Who can use the Broadband usage tool?
Customers on the TalkTalk network are able to access the tool. The tool is not yet available to customers outside of TalkTalk's network footprint.
What if I want a bigger limit?
If you think you may go over the 40 GB limit, you can add the Mega Download Boost to give you an extra 40 GB of downloads per month by logging into My Account.
If you think you can download even more, you can upgrade to our award-winning TalkTalk Plus package which gives you unlimited broadband usage with no download limits (subject to a fair usage policy).
What happens if I go over the download allowance?
If you do go over the limit, we will let you know via an email or letter. Don't worry if it is a once off, but if you exceed the limit again in the following six months, we will give you another notification. If you go over again, it means your usage is probably typically likely to be more than 40 GB per month and we will automatically upgrade you to our Mega Download Boost. If this happens, and you think you are unlikely to go over the 40 GB in a month again, you can unsubscribe whenever you want via My Account.
Why is my broadband usage high every month?
Downloading a lot of music, videos and/or streaming videos (such as watching iPlayer orYouTube) will make your broadband usage high. If you enjoy downloading you may want to consider adding the Mega Download Boost to your account.
If you are not doing any of the above, and nobody else in your household is, it might be worth getting an engineer to look at your network connection.
How can I reduce my usage?
Streaming and downloading videos and music uses a lot of bandwidth and if you reduce this your usage will decrease as well. By using the download usage monitor you will be able to track your usage monthly to prevent exceeding your limit.
How do I know if I am likely to be affected by the Fair Usage Policy?
If you don't use peer-to-peer (P2P) file-sharing software or stream video for extended periods, it is unlikely you will ever be affected by this Fair Usage Policy. If you do use these applications, all we ask is that you use these applications considerately.
What happens if I download a huge amount and am seen to be in breach of the Fair Usage Policy?
If you are an Essentials customer and you go over your monthly 40 GB allowance three times in six months, we will automatically upgrade you the Mega Download Boost. This gives you 80 GB of internet usage per month. However, if your usage continues to be severely excessive, unfair or inappropriate and continues to affect other users' enjoyment of our broadband service, or if your usage significantly differs from what we would expect from a typical customer, we reserve the right to suspend or terminate your access TalkTalk broadband.
How much can I download if I am on TalkTalk Plus?
With TalkTalk Plus you can enjoy unlimited downloads subject to our Fair Usage Policy.
How do I know if the usage is mine?
We calculate customers usage customers usage based on all data that us sent to your home from the internet. You need to ensure that your wireless is encrypted and the wireless label is not visible from outside the property.
What can I do if I think someone else is using my broadband connection?
There are some simple secruity measures you can take to ensure your broadband is kept private. Your wireless network is the most likely method that others can use your TalkTalk broadband.
- Don't keep your wireless network in the view of the outside where anyone could see your wireless details on the label on the router.
- Ensure your wireless router is encrypted (all of our routers with a wireless network name and password label are configured with the strongest encryption out of the box).
Does usage roll over?
No, usage does not roll over month to month. The usage allowanceis just for your broadband connection and is per calendar month, at the end of the month the allowance is reset and you start again the following month.
Why do TalkTalk have a usage limit?
TalkTalk off a generous 40GB limit to Essentials customers, far higher than most of our competitors and emphasises TalkTalk's value position within the market. To offer the best value TalkTalk needs to control its' costs and as such need to control usage. This will ensure TalkTalk continue to offer best value in its' products and serrvices. Customers can of course upgrade.
How does TalkTalk measure usage?
TalkTalk usa data accounting records to measure usage for broadband sessions. We take the total usage for each session (if there are multiple in a day) and add up the total use for that day. All traffic sent to the home is counted towards the monthly allowance.
How up to date is my usage?
When you check your broadband usage in MyAcount there can be a delay of up to three days before your usage is updated. Tosee when your usage was uploaded, check the daily view and see when usage was showing for your line.
Can I share my usage?
Your boardband usage is just for your broadband line and cannot be shared with other lines or customers.
Can I get a refund on usage I have not used?
No, your TalkTalk usage allowance is part of your Broadband package and is not a separate chargeable item. You will not get a refund for unused allowance.
- View More: TalkTalk What is the Fair Usage Policy?
Why can't I log into My Account?
If you're having trouble logging into My Account, it can be a good idea to:
- Check your keyboard to make sure caps lock is off
- Look through emails from TalkTalk to be sure you're using the right email address to login
- Reset your password -- perhaps you or someone in your household has changed it and forgotten
Change your My Account password
To reset your My Account password, follow the steps below:
- Go to the My Account login page.
- Click Forgot your password?
- Enter the Email address you used to register for My Account.
- In the next box, enter the characters as they appear in the picture above the box.
- Click Next.
- Then, select the Security question for your account that you would like to answer.
- Enter the Answer to the security question and click Next.
- Then, enter your new password in the 2 boxes provided and click Finish.
I don't know the answer to my security question
If you are having problems answering your security question, click Enter your date of birth to pass our security check.
If you're having problems entering your date of birth, you can enter the last 4 digits of your payment method instead. To do this, click Enter your registered account/ credit/debit card to pass our security check.
I don't remember what email address I use to login to My Account
If you don't remember the email address you use to login, search your email inbox to look for an email from TalkTalk. The email address you use to login to My Account is the same as the one TalkTalk will use to contact you about your online bills. If you're still unsure of what email address to use, please contact us.
- View More: TalkTalk Why can't I log into My Account?
What is TalkTalk Plus?
TalkTalk Plus is a bright idea for busy homes who demand more from their phone and broadband.
What's included with TalkTalk Plus?
- The fastest broadband speed TalkTalk can provide, up to 24 Meg.
- Unlimited downloads, subject to a fair use policy.
- Unlimited anytime calls to UK landlines, including 0870 and 0845 numbers.
- Unlimited anytime calls to your family and friends on TalkTalk phones.
- Discounts for your favourite 16 mobile and international numbers with your Calling Circle.
- Includes line rental -- no need to rent from BT.
Learn more about TalkTalk Plus.
How much does it cost?
For questions about how much TalkTalk Plus costs or the costs of calls beyond what's included with TalkTalk Plus, please consult our pricing guide.
How do I sign up?
It's easy to sign up for TalkTalk Plus online.
- Current TalkTalk customers can sign up online with My Account
- New customers can sign up online
- View More: TalkTalk What is TalkTalk Plus?
Switching to TalkTalk with a MAC
Once you have signed up we will contact your current provider and arrange to transfer your services to TalkTalk. In a small number of cases we may need you to contact your current provider to get a MAC (Migration Authorisation Code). We will tell you during the sign-up process if you need to do this. Don't worry; it's standard procedure to ask for it, and your existing providers will know what they have to do.
Once your service with TalkTalk is up and running we would recommend that you contact your old provider to ensure that they have stopped billing you.
- View More: TalkTalk Switching to TalkTalk with a MAC
When does my broadband connection go live?
When you place an order with us, we give you an order number. Make sure you keep a note of this. We'll update you regularly by email.
On your go live date we will send you an SMS message to the mobile number you provided when your ordered TalkTalk broadband. If you did not provide a mobile number we will send you a voice message to your landline number. This message will be to let you know that it is your go live date and you will be connected anytime that day up untill midnight.
To check when you will go live and track your order, call our order tracker FREE on 0800 049 7971
- View More: TalkTalk When does my broadband connection go live?
Can I keep my phone number when I join TalkTalk?
Yes. If you already have a BT home telephone number then you will keep the same number when you move over to TalkTalk.
The process is easy. Once you've signed up, we'll take care of all the details and make sure your telephone number moves over to TalkTalk.
Shortly after joining TalkTalk you will receive a welcome pack and an email confirmation of your order along with other documentation as your order progresses. In these documents, you will find your go-live date(s) for your landline and broadband services (these may be the same date depending on the services available). You can start using your TalkTalk services on your go-live date.
If you don't already have a phone line installed and don't have an existing number, you can still sign-up with TalkTalk and we'll provide you with a new line and new phone number.
Note: Customers moving home with TalkTalk are not able to keep their phone number.
- View More: TalkTalk Can I keep my phone number when I join TalkTalk?
- Top tips from TalkTalk to help you make the most of the web. For support, please follow
- View More: TalkTalk TalkTalkCare
- Top tips from TalkTalk to help you make the most of the web. For support, please follow
BT Twitter Page
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O2 on Twitter
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- The official home of O2 UK on Twitter. Run by the social media team. We’re helping wherever we can.
Plusnet Twitter Page
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Virgin Media Twitter Page
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Orange Twitter Page
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The TalkTalk Blog
Welcome to the TalkTalk blog. Here you'll find regular entries from our Chairman Charles Dunstone, our CEO Dido Harding and members of the TalkTalk team.
From the launch of free broadband in 2006 to the release of our innovative new myTalkTalk package, we're always thinking of ways to change the phone and broadband market for the better. Through the blog you'll be the first to hear any news.
If you have any general comments or questions about TalkTalk, or would like to get the latest service updates, then feel free to visit TalkTalk Members
- View More: TalkTalk The TalkTalk Blog
BT Life Blog
Welcome to the BT Life blog
BT Life is the technology and lifestyle blog from BT, with the latest on entertainment, communications, online safety and more.
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O2 Blog
- Welcome to O2's Blog, where you can pick up news from O2 and subscribe to updates.
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- Welcome to O2's Blog, where you can pick up news from O2 and subscribe to updates.
Plusnet Blog
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TalkTalk Facebook Page
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- Welcome to the official TalkTalk Facebook page. Here you can find out all...
BT Facebook Page
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- Hello! Thanks for visiting. We're here to help you connect, chat, play, watch great digital TV and more.
O2 Facebook Page
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Orange Facebook Page
- We are Orange Helpers – the dedicated online customer support team at Orange UK
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- We are Orange Helpers – the dedicated online customer support team at Orange UK
TalkTalk Contact Details
Opening hours
Online help
Sales Hotline 0800 049 7802 Mon - Fri: 8am - 9pm
Sat: 9am - 6pmSales help Customer Services 0870 444 1820
FREE from your TalkTalk landlineMon - Fri: 8am - 8pm
Sat: 9am - 6pm
Sunday: 10am - 5pmMy Account and bill help
Broadband help
Telephone help
Moving home helpNew Lines Customer Service 0870 087 5703 Mon - Fri: 8am - 8pm
Sat: 9am - 6pm
Sun: ClosedNew Phone Line help TalkTalk Mobile 0870 087 8751 Mon - Sun: 8am - 10pm TalkTalk Mobile help Cancelling a New Order 0870 087 8038 Mon - Fri: 8am - 8pm
Sat: 9am - 6pm
Sunday: 10am - 5pmChanged your mind?
- View More: TalkTalk TalkTalk Contact Details
BT Broadband Contact Details - Order Status
From a landline dial:
0800 800 150Opening hours
Monday to Friday 8am to 8pm, Saturday 9am to 6pm, Sunday closed
- View More: BT BT Broadband Contact Details - Order Status
BT Broadband Contact Details - Change Package
From a landline dial:
0800 800 150From a mobile dial:
0330 123 4150*Opening hours
Monday to Friday 8am to 8pm, Saturday & Sunday 9am to 6pmIf you need to call us from abroad, you can reach us on +44 179 359 6931. The cost of the call will depend on which country you are calling from.
- View More: BT BT Broadband Contact Details - Change Package
BT Broadband Contact Details - Move To BT
From a landline dial:
0800 800 150From a mobile dial:
0330 123 4150*Opening hours
Monday to Friday 8am to 8pm, Saturday & Sunday 9am to 6pm
- View More: BT BT Broadband Contact Details - Move To BT
BT Broadband Contact Details - Broadband Offers and Discount Enquiries
From a landline dial:
0800 731 0286Opening hours
Monday to Friday 8am to 9pm, Saturday 8am to 8pm, Sunday 9am to 6pm
- View More: BT BT Broadband Contact Details - Broadband Offers and Discount Enquiries
BT Broadband Contact Details - Close your account or request a MAC code
From a landline dial:
0800 328 6738Opening hours
Monday to Friday 8am - 9pm, Saturday 8am - 6pm, Sunday 9am - 6pmCall us to discuss your options if you are closing your BT Total Broadband account. Should you choose to close your account while you're still under contract, you may incur some in-term charges. If you give us a call, we can confirm this for you.
- View More: BT BT Broadband Contact Details - Close your account or request a MAC code
BT Broadband Contact Details - I'm waiting for replacement equipment
From a landline dial:
0800 111 4567From a mobile dial:
0330 123 4567*Opening hours
24 hours a day, 365 days a year
- View More: BT BT Broadband Contact Details - I'm waiting for replacement equipment
Sky Contact Details - Customer Service and Technical Support
Phone us
Our call centres are open 24/708442 411 653
0818 719 819
For full details of call and connection charges to 0844 numbers in the UK and 0818 numbers in the Republic of Ireland with Sky Talk, please see www.sky.com/callpricing
Charges for calls from other networks and mobile phones may vary. Please note that calls may be monitored or recorded for training purposes.
- View More: Sky Sky Contact Details - Customer Service and Technical Support
O2 Contact Details
Home Broadband Technical Support Dial Charges From your O2 mobile 800 230 0202 Free From a landline 0800 230 0202 Free Opening hours Monday - Sunday 24 hours Home Broadband Customer Service Dial Charges From your O2 mobile 800 230 0202 Free From a landline 0800 230 0202 Free Opening hours Monday - Friday 08:00 - 21:00 Saturday 08:00 - 20:00 Sunday 08:00 - 18:00
- View More: O2 O2 Contact Details
Virgin Media Contact Details
Call us on 150 from your Virgin Media home phone or on 0845 454 1111* from any other phone.
* For details about how much it costs to call our team from a Virgin Media home phone, visitvirginmedia.com/callcosts. Call costs from other networks and mobiles vary.
8am to midnight, 7 days a week
- View More: Virgin Media Virgin Media Contact Details
Plusnet Contact Details
Department Number Availability Residential Sales 0800 432 0200
(option 3)07:00 - 22:00 Monday to Friday
09:00 - 21:00 Saturday and Sunday
Have your payment details handy to place an orderBusiness Sales 0114 296 5182
(option 2)09:00 - 17:30 Monday to Friday
09:00 - 16:00 SaturdayPartner Sales 0114 296 5171
(option 1)09:00 - 17:30 Monday to Friday Residential Support 0800 432 0200 All day, every day
You'll need your username and password handyBusiness Support 0114 296 5182
0845 002 0170All day, every day Cancellations 0845 140 6002 09:00 - 17:30 every weekday (except Bank Holidays)
- View More: Plusnet Plusnet Contact Details
Orange Contact Details
call us:*
0844 873 8586free from an Orange pay monthly phone:
150* Calls from an Orange Home Phone are free. Calls from a BT landline or your second line (if you have one) cost 5.1p a minute. Calls from mobiles and other networks may vary. Calls may be monitored and recorded for training purposes
- View More: Orange Orange Contact Details