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  • How to upgrade online

    • It's easy to order new Sky equipment or upgrade your viewing package online. Make sure you have your Sky iD username and password, and a debit or credit card for one-off costs such as set up fees. If your new package involves an increase to your monthly subscription fee, this will appear on your next Sky bill and be paid for by your usual method.


    • View More: Sky How to upgrade online
  • How to upgrade on your TV

    • You can upgrade your Sky package at any time simply using your Sky remote control. Anything you do using this method will appear on your account as quickly as if you'd called Sky to upgrade. Make sure that your viewing card is inserted in the correct slot in your Sky box, with the arrow pointing forwards and the gold chip facing downwards.


      Upgrade directly from the channel you want to watch

      If you turn to a channel that is not part of your current Sky package, you'll see a message giving you a number to call if you wish to upgrade, and you may also see an option to upgrade using thered button. You don't have to call us, your Sky box will identify the channel you want to watch and you'll see details of the TV Pack in which this channel is included on your TV screen. Just follow the instructions to add this pack or channel to your Sky TV subscription.


      Upgrade from the Sky Active menu

      You don't need a red button prompt to upgrade, you can simply access your account using your Sky remote.

      1. Press interactive on your Sky remote control.
      2. From the Interactive menu, press 1 for Sky Active.
      3. From the Sky Active menu, use the up/down arrows to find your upgrade option 

        • Sky+, HD & Multiroom to upgrade your TV hardware
        • TV Viewing Upgrades to find out about adding channels or 3D TV 
      4. With your choice highlighted, press select and follow the on-screen instructions to place your order. You may need your viewing card PIN and bank or credit card details.

      When will my new channels be available?

      The signal to your viewing card can take 10-24 hours to be received, so your new channels may not be available immediately. After changing your package you'll be unable to remove items for 31 days. If your upgrade is delayed, you can speed up your package upgrade.

    • View More: Sky How to upgrade on your TV
  • How changing your subscription can affect your bill

    • When you add or remove TV packs, Sky Talk or Sky Broadband, this will change your regular payment amount.


      If you upgrade you will be charged for the extra channels from when you start to receive them.


      If you downgrade, as you pay your subscription a month in advance, you may receive a credit on your bill for the channels you have removed (please note you will need to give us 31 day’s notice to downgrade your package).  This will be deducted from your next bill.

    • View More: Sky How changing your subscription can affect your bill
  • Thinking of leaving?

  • How to create a Sky iD

    • To create a Sky iD, you will need to enter:

      • Your full name
      • Your email address 

        Sign up for Sky iD 

        If you're a Sky customer, we'll ask for the following details to link your Sky iD with your Sky household account, either:
      • Your viewing card number (this can be found using your Sky Remote. Select Services on your remote, then System Set-up, then System Details and viewing card number will be listed)
      • Your Sky account number (this will be on any letters we have sent to you or on interactive services)
      • The last six digits of the bank account number you use to pay your monthly Sky bill or
      • The last six digits of the debit/credit card you use to pay your monthly Sky bill. 

      Create a Sky iD 

      If you don’t already have one, it's easy to create a Sky iD, and only takes a few minutes. 

      Sign up for Sky iD 

      When you sign up for Sky iD, you'll need to complete the following information: 

      • About you: your full name and email address
      • Your sign in details : your username and password
      • Verification and acceptance of terms and conditions

      Please remember that you might already have a Sky iD. If you are a Sky Broadband customer you'll automatically have a Sky iD, your username and password would have been posted to you and will be the first part of your Sky Email address (e.g. username@sky.com). 

      If you're not a Sky customer you can still create a Sky iD, but won’t be able to enjoy the full benefits of Sky online.

      Learn more about becoming a Sky customer.

    • View More: Sky How to create a Sky iD
  • Linking your Sky iD to a Sky household account

    • You can link your Sky iD to your Sky household account which will give you access to services such as Sky Go to watch TV online or on the move, Sky Rewards to get free cinema tickets and take part in competitions or My Sky to view your Sky account. This can all be done for free. 

      To link your Sky iD with your Sky household account, you will need to have either: 

      • Your viewing card number (this can be found on your viewing card or by using your Sky Remote onscreen – select services on your remote, then system set-up, then system details, viewing card number will be listed); 
      • Your Sky account number (this will be on any letters we have sent to you or on interactive services); 
      • The last six digits of the account you use to pay your monthly Sky bill; or 
      • The last six digits of the debit/credit card you use to pay your monthly Sky bill. 


      Link your Sky iD to your Sky household account

    • View More: Sky Linking your Sky iD to a Sky household account
  • Your Sky iD password format

    • When signing up for a new Sky iD or changing your password you’ll need to follow a few guidelines. Your password must: 

      • Be at least seven characters long
      • Contain a mix of letters and numbers
      • Not start with a number
      • Not contain your username
      • Not contain the word 'password'

      Reset your password 

      If you need to reset your password, please visit our password reset page. You'll see a login screen like the one below:

      Reset password  



      From here you'll need to enter some details about your Sky account, such as billing details and your security question answer to reset the password.

    • View More: Sky Your Sky iD password format
  • What to do if you've forgotten your username or password

    • If you've forgotten your username or password, don't worry, you can retrieve it online. 

      Get a username reminder 

      1. Follow this link to go to the Sky iD sign in screen
      2. Then click the Forgotten Username link. 
      3. Choose to have an email reminder sent to the email address you gave us when you signed up or choose to use your Sky household account details to verify your account and immediately view your username on screen.  (Either your Sky household account number, Sky TV viewing card number; the last six digits of the account number you use to pay your monthly Sky bill; or the last six digits of the debit/credit card you use to pay your monthly Sky bill). 
      4. Enter the relevant information. 
      5. Click Continue.

      Based on the option you chose, you’ll either receive a reminder to the email address you gave us when you signed up or you’ll view your username on screen. 

      Sign into your account with your username and password

      Reset your password

      1. Follow this link to go to the Sky iD sign in screen
      2. Then click the Forgotten Password link. 
      3. Enter your username and click Continue. 
      4. Choose to reset your password using either:your email address;security question; or Sky account details (Either your Sky account number, the last six digits of the account number you use to pay your monthly Sky bill; or the last six digits of the debit/credit card you use to pay your monthly Sky bill). 
      5. Choose a new password, confirm your choice and click Submit.

      Sign into your account with your username and password

    • View More: Sky What to do if you've forgotten your username or password
  • Managing additional users on your household account

    • You can have up to nine additional online accounts associated with your Sky household account. These accounts will be able to access all of the additional online services that Sky has to offer – from remote recording favourite TV shows, commenting on News articles to watching the football live online. 

      To add an additional user: 

      1. Sign into My Sky 
      2. Click on Profiles and Settings > Additional Users 

      3. Click on ‘ Set up an Additional Use r’ button 
      4. Complete all fields 
      5. Click on Next 

      6. Complete additional requirements 
      7. Click Submit 

      8. The new user will be emailed to let them know they have a Sky iD and they will be able to sign into Sky online. You will need to let the new user know the password you created for them. Sky would recommend that the new user reset the password to something known only to them.

      To view existing additional users: 

      1. Sign into My Sky 
      2. Click on Profiles and Settings > Additional Users
      3. Any additional users will be listed on this page.

      To remove an additional user: 

      1.    Sign into My Sky 

      2.    Click on Profiles and Settings > Additional Users

      3.    Any additional users will be listed on this page. 

      4.    Click the link next to their name to Remove. 

      Once you remove a Sky iD from your Sky account, the Sky iD will still be live but will no longer be associated to your household account. If you are the Sky iD owner, follow the link to re-associate a Sky iD with your household

      The Sky iD account holder can then link their online account to your household by providing either: 

      • Their viewing card number (this can be found on your viewing card or by using your Sky Remote onscreen – select services on your remote, then system set-up, then system details, viewing card number will be listed); 
      • Their Sky account number (this will be on any letters we have sent to you or on interactive services); 
      • The last six digits of the account you use to pay your monthly Sky bill; or 
      • The last six digits of the debit/credit card you use to pay your monthly Sky bill.

    • View More: Sky Managing additional users on your household account
  • Password reset issues

    • If you do not have a method set up to reset your password, please call Sky on 08442 411 653 in the UK or 0818 719 819 in the Republic of Ireland, we can verify your identity and help you reset your password. 

      Please note that if you do not have a Sky household account we will be unable to identify you and it is recommended that you create a new Sky iD
    • View More: Sky Password reset issues
  • What to do if you get a password reminder email

    • If you've received an email from Sky about your Sky iD password which was unexpected, don't worry. It's possible that someone has accidentally attempted to sign into your Sky iD instead of their own. 

      For peace of mind, you may wish to reset your password anyway - it's a good idea to do this from time to time. 

      1.   Sign in to Sky iD
      2.   Then click the Forgotten Password link. 
      3.   Enter your username and click Continue. 
      4.  Choose to reset your password using either: your email address, security question or Sky account details 

        (Either your Sky account number, the last six digits of the account number you use to pay your monthly Sky bill; or the last six digits of the debit/credit card you use to pay your monthly Sky bill). 
      5.  Choose a new password, confirm your choice and click Submit.

    • View More: Sky What to do if you get a password reminder email
  • Understanding your bill

      • Your first Sky bill

        We will only start charging you for a Sky service (TV, Broadband or Talk) from the day it is activated. When the first of your Sky services is activated, we'll send you a letter, or email, confirming the monthly charge or, in the case of TV, the monthly subscription charge for your chosen channel package. 

        This letter or email will also confirm the period that your first bill covers, how much it will be, and when we'll take the first Direct Debit or automatic credit card payment. 

        This payment will be taken 14 days after the first service is activated. For example, if your Sky TV is activated on the 4th of July, your payment will be taken on the 18th of July. This will cover the period of the 4th of July to the 3rd of August for your TV subscription.  All monthly payments after this will be taken on the 4th of every month, unless you make any changes or change your payment due date.


        Your second Sky bill

        Payment for the second bill is taken about two weeks after the first, in this example, the 4th August. This covers the period 4th August to 3rd September and includes advance charges, such as TV subscription, Sky Broadband and Sky Line Rental. 




        This also covers additional fixed priced services – like Sky Broadband and Talk, Line Rental - that we’ve made active since issuing your last bill. Plus, any services we charge for after you’ve used them, Like Sky Box Office or calls outside your Sky Talk package.

        For fixed price services that go active between bills, such as Sky Broadband and Talk, you’ll find that the number of days billed equals more than one month. That’s because there’s a part charge amount for the month when the services went active, plus the monthly advance cost for the coming month’s service.

        All subsequent payments will be a month apart and on the 4th of each month, using this example (unless you make any changes to your subscriptions or change your payment due date).

        Manage your account on the phone - without waiting!

        Did you know we have a free automated self-service phone line on 08002 600 400  where you can:

        • Find out the balance on your account
        • Make a payment 
        • Set up or amend Direct Debit and credit card details on your account (find out more about changing your payment method in the link below).

        With this self-service line, you won’t have to wait in a queue and the change to your Sky account or subscription will be done in no time.


        Manage your account using your Sky remote control

        It is also possible to manage your account using your Sky Remote. To get started, pressinteractive. Choose the following options from the menus that appear: Sky Active > My Sky account. You will need to use your viewing card PIN** to access the service. 
        In the meantime, why not check out our Help Forums.

    • View More: Sky Understanding your bill
  • How to make a payment towards your next Sky bill

      • You can make a payment with your credit or debit card to reduce the amount of your next bill. This can be handy, especially if you are expecting your bill to be higher than normal due to Sky Box Office movies, sporting events, phone calls or new equipment charges, or are concerned about your bank account or credit card balance.

      • Making a card payment

        To make a payment online, sign into your account using the link below, and fill out your card details on our secure "Make a Payment" page.*  Complete all the fields marked with an asterisk, and enter your name exactly as it is printed on your card. Remember to include the Security Code, the last three digits of the number printed on or near the signature strip on the back of your card.


        After entering your details, you will be asked to confirm your payment. Please check the amount carefully as once you confirm, the money will leave your account. If you change your mind, close the page or sign out before confirming your payment. When your payment has been processed, you can print a receipt, and we will send you a confirmation email.


        Please note, you can also make a payment using your Sky remote - press interactive, then when the next screen loads, press select. Choose the following options from the menus that appear: Sky Active > My Sky account > Manage my account. You willl need to use your viewing card PIN** to access the service.

      • Setting up a Direct Debit

        Setting up a Direct Debit means payment is automatically collected from your bank account on your chosen due date, so you don't have to worry about forgetting to pay your Sky bill. To set up a Direct Debit online, you need your account details (bank or building society account number and sort code) and your Sky account details.

        1. Sign into the Change Payment Method page (choose Register Today if you don't already have a Sky iD).
        2. Select I would like to pay monthly by Direct Debit in the Update Payment Details section.
        3. Select Next and follow the on-screen instructions to enter your bank details.

        Did you know we have a free automated self-service phone line on 08002 600 400 

        where you can: 

        • Find out the balance on your account
        • Make a payment 
        • Set up or amend Direct Debit and credit card details on your account (find out more about changing your payment method in the link below).

        With this self-service line, you won’t have to wait in a queue and the change to your Sky account or subscription will be done in no time. 

        It is also possible to manage your account using your Sky Remote. To get started, pressinteractive. Choose the following options from the menus that appear: Sky Active > My Sky account. You will need to use your viewing card PIN** to access the service. 
        In the meantime, why not check out our Help Forums

        **Not your credit or debit card PIN. Follow the link to find your Sky viewing card PIN.


    • View More: Sky How to make a payment towards your next Sky bill
  • How to Change your payment due date

      • To help you manage your finances, once you have paid your first bill after joining Sky, you can change your payment due date to any day of the month, from the 1st and 28th. You can change your payment due date up to once per month.


        Change your payment date online

        1. Sign into My Sky - if you cannot remember your username or password, there are links to help you on that page.
        2. Within the Billing Centre section, follow the Change Payment Due Date link.
        3. Choose a day of the month on which to pay your Sky bill and confirm your changes.
        4. You can print the confirmation page, and we'll automatically confirm the new payment date by email.


        Change your payment date on your TV

        1. Press interactive on your Sky remote control.
        2. From the Interactive menu, press 1 for Sky Active.
        3. From the Sky Active menu, use the up/down arrows to find My Sky Account and press select.
        4. From the My Sky Account menu, use the up/down arrows to find Manage My Account and press select.
        5. Follow the instructions on your TV screen, entering your viewing card PIN when prompted.
        6. Use the direction arrows and select button on your Sky remote to choose a new Payment Due Date.
        7. Use the blue button when prompted to confirm your changes.

    • View More: Sky How to Change your payment due date
  • How to choose your payment method

      • Change payment method

        As of January 1st 2011, Sky now no longer accepts cheques or postal order payments. If you currently pay your Sky bill at the Post Office or Bank, you can continue to do so, but we do not accept cheques or postal orders made out to Sky that are sent directly to us.


        It's easy to change your payment method online - visit our Choose Payment Method * page and enter the details of the account or card you wish to use.


        It's handy to know that if you ever change your bank or credit card, you can update your details at any time without even calling us. You will need to sign in using your Sky iD - if you cannot remember the username or password, follow the link and use the prompts on the sign in page for a reminder.


        You can pay your Sky bill in various ways, but we recommend setting up a regular Direct Debit payment. This will ensure your bill is always paid on time. You'll see the Direct Debit agreement when you choose this option - please read it carefully before saving your changes. You can also pay your monthly subscription by regular debit or credit card payments, for an additional monthly charge of 50p/€0.75. 

        When you have updated your account, we'll send you a confirmation email and you can print a copy of your new setup.

        Did you know we have a free automated self-service phone line on 08002 600 400 

        where you can: 

        • Find out the balance on your account
        • Make a payment 
        • Set up or amend Direct Debit and credit card details on your account (find out more about changing your payment method in the link below).

        With this self-service line, you won’t have to wait in a queue and the change to your Sky account or subscription will be done in no time. 

        It is also possible to manage your account using your Sky Remote. To get started, pressinteractive. Choose the following options from the menus that appear: Sky Active > My Sky account. You will need to use your viewing card PIN** to access the service. 
        In the meantime, why not check out our Help Forums.

        * Sign in required, if you do not have an account, you can follow the 'Sign up' link to create one. If you have forgotten your sign in details, follow the link and use the prompts on the sign in page for a reminder. 

        **Not your credit or debit card PIN. Follow the link to find your Sky viewing card PIN.


    • View More: Sky How to choose your payment method
  • Late or failed payments

    • If you receive a message saying your payment has been unsuccessful, please contact your bank for further information. To pay your bill using a different payment card, use our One-off payment article.

      If your payment is not received by the due date your account will be considered overdue. The outstanding balance shown on your bill is due in full each month. If your payment is substantially overdue, your Sky service may be downgraded or disconnected.

      If you are having trouble meeting payments, please get in touch with Sky Customer Services to discuss your account - follow the Contact us link to get in touch.

    • View More: Sky Late or failed payments
  • Pay Per View Help

  • What to do if you want to query your bill

  • Unrecognised calls or numbers appearing on a Sky Talk itemised bill

  • Selecting a Preferred Sky Payment Due Date | Sky Help

  • Understanding your Sky account bill | Sky billing
